Judges: Jephthah


Faith Talks:

  1. What does it mean that idolatry and slavery go hand in hand?
  2. Jephthah obviously did not know the character or ways of God. What are some ways in which your view of God has been based more on tradition and culture then on how God has reveled himself in scripture?
  3. What did you learn today are the signs of true repentance and how can you cultivate true repentance?

Judges: Gideon Part 3, The Cost of Compromise


Faith Talks:

  1. What are the patterns of failure in Gideon’s that become more obvious in the failure of Abimelech?
  2. What are patterns of failure in the generation before you that you wrestle with and desire victory over?
  3. What hope does this story point to and what hope do you have for winning the battle over the sin of the previous generation?

Judges: Gideon Part 2


Faith Talks:

  1. What are things that God has revealed to you about himself that have enabled you to be bold in the face of opposition?
  2. Can you identify times in your own life where God has weakened you? In those times of weakness in what ways did you see God’s strength and deliverance?
  3. It seems that God does a lot of work in order to be praised. Why is it so important that God is praised or that God is glorified?

Judges: Gideon Part 1


Faith Talks:

  1. What are things that God has revealed to you about himself that have enabled you to be bold in the face of opposition?
  2. Can you identify times in your own life where God has weakened you? In those times of weakness in what ways did you see God’s strength and deliverance?
  3. It seems that God does a lot of work in order to be praised. Why is it so important that God is praised or that God is glorified?

Judges: 7/29


Faith Talks:

  1. What are the leadership tests in front of you?

  2. In what ways have you said yes to following God into those leadership tests and in what ways have you given your glory to another?

Judges: The Need for a Unifying Leader


Faith Talks:

  1. What causes you to lose sight of God? 

  2. What are patterns in your life that need to be broken? 

Judges: A Spectacular Mess


Faith Talks:

  1. Why do you think that second generation, the one after Joshua’s generation was so lost?

  2. Discuss areas in your life where you can identify the reality of both the unconditional and a conditional aspect of God’s promises? 

Judges: The Fallout of Compromise


Faith Talks:

  1. Are there any compromises in your life that are (or have been) affecting your faith?  Intentionally repent of these and ask Jesus to help you.
  2. Are there any values in your life that have become idols?  What is one step you can take to remove that idol from your life? 

Taste of Mission - June 2018


Faith Talks

Are you creating space for the upward dimension of your life?  (If yes talk about how you do that, if no talk about why not)

What ways do you currently invest in the inward dimension of your life? (Christian community) Are you satisfied with how connected you are? Explain. 

Talk about spaces around you where you can start investing in the outward dimension of your life. This means being apart of the revitalizing and restorative work of the Gospel in the people around you.

Knowing God: Living out the Roles of Men & Women

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Faith Talks:

  1. What are questions that you have regarding the Biblical role of men and women? 
  2. What did you hear from the panel today that was helpful for you?
  3. In what ways do you desire to grow in your identity as male or female and what are some practical steps that you can take to grow?

Knowing God: Doctrine of the Roles of Men & Women

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Faith Talks:

  1. Sometimes the first step towards health is an honest recognition of what’s unhealthy. Talk with a trusted friend about times when you have experienced leadership which has left you afraid of trusting leaders again.
  2. Review the 3 suggestions to follow well: 1) hope in One who is greater, 2) prefer and defer, and 3) use your strength to nurture another’s leadership. Which one do you want/need to grow in? Talk about one step towards that growth.

Knowing God: To follow Jesus do I have to believe God designed a distinction between the roles of men and women?

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Faith Talks:

  1. In what ways have you seen or experienced sinful or fallen maleness and sinful femaleness?

  2. In what ways have you participated in or felt a desire to live out your maleness or femaleness in sinful ways?

Knowing God: Living Resurrection Reality

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Faith Talks:

  1. Write down an issue in your life that involves suffering or frustration.  How can this situation increase your hope in the resurrection? 

  2. What truth about heaven and the resurrection did you find most interesting? Email that to one of the pastors.  

  3. In what way can you see your current life affected by your belief in heaven and resurrection?  Share this with a trusted friend.

Knowing God: To follow Jesus do I have to believe in heaven and the resurrection?

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Faith Talks:

  1. Talk about your level of certainty regarding heaven and resurrection. In what way can you see your current life affected by your belief in heaven and resurrection? 

  2. We all have questions about heaven and resurrection. Talk about your questions. Make a list and come prepared next weekend to see what questions get answered. 

Knowing God: Application of Spiritual Gifts

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Faith Talks:

  1. Talk about what you think if your top motivational spiritual gift. 
  2. Are you currently using your spiritual gifts? Why or why not? 
  3. What are next steps you can take to discover, develop and deploy your spiritual gifts?
  4. Fill out the connect card with your top motivational spiritual gift.

Knowing God: Doctrine of Spiritual Gifts

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Faith Talks:


  1. Talk through each of the spiritual gifts; which two most resonate with you? 
  2. Why do you think knowing and developing your spiritual gift is so important from God’s perspective? 
  3. Where are you in your journey to discover, develop and deploy your spiritual gifts? 
  4. What are next steps you can take to discover, develop and deploy your spiritual gifts?

Knowing God: Spiritual Gifts

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Faith Talks:


  1. Based on today’s teaching what are two significant things that we miss when we do not employ our spiritual gifts?

  2. Share a story of a time when God used you to bless another person as you followed Jesus using your spiritual gifts.

  3. Prayerfully consider talking to another person, this week, about any obstacles you face  when thinking about using  or when using your spiritual gifts.

Knowing God: Resurrection

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Faith Talks:


  • According to the teaching today why was the resurrection so important to the early church?
  • How could a belief in the resurrection of a man 2000 years ago impact your life today? 
  • Be intentional, or as Pastor Nate said last week, be subversive and plan together 1 or 2 things that you will do this week because Jesus is alive.

Knowing God: What does the Atonement change?

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Faith Talks:

  • In what aspect of Jesus’ New World (citizenship, identity, status, posture, relationship, purpose, your body, hope) do you MOST need to fight for faith?
  • Talk together about creative ways to do intentional “acts of subversion” so you can hold onto faith in Jesus in defiance against the World we live in.


Knowing God: Atonement Past, Present & Future

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Faith Talks:

  • Which of the three views of atonement we looked at today (Christus Victor, Christus Exemplar, Regeneration) stick out to you as most/least accessible?   Explain your thoughts to a trusted friend.
  • Do you tend to think of atonement more as past, present, or future?  Share your thoughts with a trust friend this week. 
  • How does being ‘at-one’ with Jesus change the way you approach each day?  Be specific.  List 2-3 things that you want to change.

Knowing God: To follow Jesus do I have to believe He died for my sins?

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Faith Talks:

  • What are you currently involved in where you need the presence of God?  If you aren't involved in anything where you need his presence talk about why not. 
  • Talk about a time in your life when you felt like the presence of God protected, empowered, or encouraged you to live out the things of the kingdom.  
  • Pray everyday this week for clear signs of the presence of God in your life.


Knowing God: Living the Doctrine of the Kingdom

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Faith Talks:

  • What are you currently involved in where you need the presence of God?  If you aren't involved in anything where you need his presence talk about why not. 
  • Talk about a time in your life when you felt like the presence of God protected, empowered, or encouraged you to live out the things of the kingdom.  
  • Pray everyday this week for clear signs of the presence of God in your life.

Knowing God: Why Church? Ephesians 4:11-16

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Faith Talks:

  1. Talk about ways Jesus' Church has been His Body -- acting on His behalf in this World. Think about in your own life, in the life of LFA, even in other countries.
  2. Talk about your place in Jesus' Body. What gifts has He given you? In what ways have you served? Are there ways you would want to serve?

Knowing God: I like Jesus but I don't like the church

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Faith Talks:

  1. What ways can you relate to the statement “I like Jesus but I don't like church”
  2. What did you learn today about the dangers of independence?
  3. What did you learn today about the blessing of interdependence?
  4. What will you do about the areas in your life where you lean towards the idolatry of independence?

Shout It Out - Shepherding the Heart of the Next Generation

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Faith Talks

  • Talk together about 1-2 positive aspects of the culture of your household. What positive things would you say characterize your time together? 
  • Talk together about 1 of the 5 areas of culture you would want to pay attention to as a household. What steps might you take? How might Greg’s sermon on the “4 G’s” help you?

Shout It Out - Essential Messages for the Next Generation

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Faith Talks

In what ways has God communicated in the Bible that he is good, great, glorious and gracious?

In what ways has God demonstrated in your life that he is good, great, glorious and gracious?

In what ways do you communicate “without words” that God is good, great, glorious and gracious?

Can you identify ways that you communicate “without words” that God is not  good, great, glorious and gracious?

When it feels like Jesus isn't showing up...


Faith Talks

According to the teaching this morning in what way DID the arrival of Jesus bring peace on earth?

According to the teaching this morning in what way WILL Jesus bring even more peace?

What can you do to grow in your awareness and experience of the peace that Jesus offers?

Begging for Jesus' Arrival


Faith Talks

Talk together about the times and situations where you are most tempted to become self-focused and selfish. If necessary, ask each other for forgiveness and pray for each other.

Talk together about people in your life who might be in need of a selfless act of kindness from you — make plans for what you can do for them over this week leading to Christmas.

What kind of people qualify for Jesus' Arrival?


Faith Talks

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block one a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart.

What is it like when Jesus Arrives?


Faith Steps

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block one a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart. 

When Jesus Arrives


Faith Steps

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block once a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart. 

Redemption, Not Reversal - Stanley John

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Faith Talks

What are two brand new things you learned from Stanley Jon? 

On a scale of 1-4 how normal has living on mission become in your household.
1-it’s a challenge and doesn’t happen
2-it happens but it is rare
3-it’s not as consistent as I would like but it’s happening
4-it’s just part of who we are and what we do

Take some time as a household and review the On Mission page to consider how you can be part of what God is doing around the world. 

Knowing God - Experiencing God’s Presence

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Faith Talks

Talk together about your view of the Christian faith: is it mostly head or heart? Is it mostly study and learning and doing or how much is there a place for feeling, the supernatural and a sense of intimate relationship? Talk about when you have experienced both.

Talk about the questions you have related to God’s presence. Consider emailing your questions to the pastors.

Knowing God - Can I really Experience God?


  1. When you hear of the phrase “experiencing the presence of God” what comes to your mind?
  2. What is your personal history with experiencing the presence of God?
  3. What are the questions that come up for you when you think about experiencing the presence of God?
  4. Next week we will learn about the timeless doctrine of the Presence of God but according to the teaching today why is it important to be aware and to even seek the presence of God?


Knowing God - The Reconcilers Ambassadors



    1.    Get into groups according to where God has placed you as an ambassador.  (Work, Life stage, Neighborhood, family, friends)
    2.    Share specific ways that you currently live as an ambassador where God has placed you.  
    3.    Come up with a few practical things that you can do to live as an ambassador where God has placed you. (Don't over think it.) 

Knowing God - How do you use your Bible to answer today's questions?

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Faith Talks: 

  1. Find a passage of the Bible.  Grab a paper and pen.  Read slowly and write down everything that it says about God (Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit).  
  2. What issues of your heart do you most want Scripture to speak to? 
  3. Are there any ways in which you have used Scripture poorly in the past that you need to repent of?  Is there anyone you’ve wounded with Scripture that you ask to forgive you? 
  4. On your own research one of today’s issues in the Bible.  Ask two other people to do the same.  Set a time over the next week to discuss your findings.  How can your findings help others come to know Jesus?

Knowing God - Scipture

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Faith Talks

  1. What point about the doctrine of scripture did you find most attractive or significant?
  2. What part of the doctrine of scripture is challenging to you and why?
  3. Tell about a time when you didn’t want to submit to the authority of scripture but you did. What was the outcome?
  4. What are some ways you can grow in making time with God in scripture a bigger part of your life?

Knowing God: Current Questions, TimEless Doctrines

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Faith Talks

1. Tell about a time in your life that a timeless doctrine (a truth about God) answered a current question that you had. 

2. What are some of the puzzles that you face or current questions that you have about God or what he is doing?

3. How might God be using those puzzles or questions to help you know Him?

4. Ask some people to pray for you over some of the pressing questions that you are currently facing?

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Faith Talks

  1. Talk together about the clear signs in your life that you live (or don’t live) under the authority of Jesus, the Great King.
  2. Talk together about steps you can take to grow in your fascination for King Jesus.

Wisdom - Growing Wise in God’s Word - Psalm 119

Faith Talks:

This week, find time to look to God’s Word alone, then talk together as a household about what you learned. Here’s a simple guideline.

  1. Start by journaling what is happening in your day — events, challenges, emotions, etc.
  2. Read a passage from the Bible — maybe 10-20 verses (perhaps, Isaiah 40:21-31)
  3. Re-read the passage, looking for truth about God. Make a note of what you find.
  4. Choose one of the truths about God and explore it, meditate on it, pray about it. 
  5. Ask God to help you trust Him and follow Him today.