Broken Heart

Colossians - New Kingdom People


Faith Talks:

1. What are the things that Paul is telling us to put on in Colossians 3:12-17?

2. Why is Paul telling us to put those things on?

3. Of the things Paul tells us to put on which do you want to grow in and why is it a challenge for you?

4. What is it that you are refusing to let go of that keeps stuck in sinful patterns.

5. What do you plan to do in order to mature in how you treat others?

Colossians - An Invisible Threat


Faith Talks:

Of the list of things that Paul says to put to death, which three do you struggle the most/least with? Explain your answer.

Culturally, which parts of your cultural heritage help/hinder you in living for the Kingdom of God? Explain your answer.

What issue(s) of your heart do you most long for Jesus to touch and change? Ask a friend to pray for you about these issues.

Colossians - Living in the Now & the Not Yet


Faith Talks:

  • Which aspect of redemption do you tend to focus more on: dying with Christ, being made alive with Christ or living in the future glory with Christ? Why?

  • Which of these three aspects would you like to grasp better so that you can mature in your identity in Christ?

  • Dying with Christ, being made alive with Christ and sharing in the future glory with Christ produces joy, shapes our love and fuels our hope. Share a story of how you are presently experiencing joy, loving (God or others) well or living hopeful in these days.

  • What is consuming your mind these days, earthly things or things from above? Consider asking someone to pray for you to have the grace to seek the things that are above and to set your mind on things that are above.

Colossians - "I'm Not Dead Yet"


Faith Talks:

  • In what ways can you identify the temptation to be “Alive” to the world, to create your own false gospel?

  • In what ways does being alive to the world and trusting in a false gospel lead to bondage?

  • In what ways does this false gospel will even pretend to look holy?

Colossians - Stay on the Path


Faith Talks:

  • Are there any areas in your life that you are looking to find fulfillment or fullness that cause you to reduce or reject Jesus?  Are any of these issues creating doubt of confusion in your walk with Christ?  If so, actively repent and ask some trusted friends to pray with you. 

    Walk with Jesus, Rest in Jesus, Focus on Jesus - What is one thing you can do on a daily basis to help you live these three things?  Share those with someone who can hold you accountable. 

Colossians - Warrior


Faith Talks:

  • In your pursuit of freedom why is it significant that Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities?

  • How has the triumph of our warrior King changed you life?

  • This lent season are there areas of your life where you feel held down or captive, areas where you are not living in the freedom Jesus has won for you? What are some empty philosophies that may be holding you captive?

Colossians - Continuing In Jesus


Faith Talks:

  • Faith talks:

    Talk about times in your life when community has: encouraged you, kept you from believing a deluded gospel, helped you understand the gospel.

  • Talk about an area of your life where God is building you up in the gospel. Think in terms of an area where you have seen a growth in maturity.

  • Gratitude towards God should be a main characteristic of God’s people. Spend ten minutes everyday this week sharing things that you are grateful for because of God. If you want to take it a step further as a practice in gratitude for this week choose not to complain about anything in your life.

Colossians - Worth It


Faith Talks:

  • Paul says in Colossians 1:24-29 that it is going to be worth it. It will be worth the effort, worth the pain, worth the suffering. According to Paul, what is so valuable that makes it all worth it?

  • How motivated are you to grow into maturity, and what is hard for you about growing into maturity?

  • Paul says in Colossians 1:29 “for this I toil.” What does it look like in your life to “toil,” work, or labor to present yourself and others as mature in Jesus?