Psalm 45

Faith Talks:

Psalm 45 calls the bride to love her groom by listening to Him. Set a timer. Be still/quiet for 5 minutes. Listen to what you hear Jesus say to you. After the 5 minutes, talk together about what you hear.

This Psalm calls us to love Jesus. Our tendency is to relate to Jesus to receive His blessings.  Talk about your level of love for Jesus apart from the specific things you need Him to do for you. Pray for each other that your love for Jesus would grow.

Click on the left or right to advance each slide. 

Shadow Kingdoms: Psalm 2

Which parts of Psalm 2 mean the most to you now?  Which parts are the hardest to understand?  Explain. 

Read Psalm 2:1-3 - What are some times in your life when these verses described you or your circumstances?  What shadows were you chasing? 

Read Psalm 2:10-12 - How are you experiencing God as your refuge? Be specific.  

Why do you think it’s so hard for us to surrender when God promises blessings after we do? 

Follow along with the sermon slides while you listen.  

Psalms: The Songs Jesus Sang

Faith Talks

According to Psalm 1 the person who is happy does not walk, stand, or sit in the place of ungodly counsel and the happy man delights and meditates on Gods counsel. According to the definition of Psalm 1 does this describe you? 

Describe the voices of counsel that have your attention. What changes do you think you need to make in regards to the counsel that you give your attention to?


Follow along with the sermon slides while you listen.  

Living Response

Faith Talks

Talk together through the steps of naming what has become too big and cutting it down to size:

1. What recent actions or emotions stand out as as possibly needing your attention?
2. What does your response say about what is BIG in your life?
3. What might you need to let go of? 
4. What would trust in God look like in that situation?

Living Reverence

Faith Talks

Talk together about a time when something other than God was really BIG in your life (signs: really controlling, fearful, angry or really excited, hopeful, giddy). 

Talk together about something currently happening in your life that you think about a lot. 1) What is happening? 2) What emotions stand out? 3) What does your reaction say about what is BIG? What you fear? What you believe about God?


Give More - God Sightings

Faith Talk:
Work through the Advent Conspiracy Idea Handout. You will do good to get some of your ideas onto your December calendar.

Talk together about people God might want to include in your Christmas Celebration. Spend some time praying for them. 

Spend some time making a list of God Sightings in your life.  Share them at

Spend Less - Faith Talks

Faith Talk Questions:

What are the key themes of Faith or the gospel stories that have formed you that you heard from either you biological or your spiritual parents?

Like Ruth and Boaz did for David, what are some of the key themes of your Faith Journey or Gospel Story that you want to pass on for 3 generations? 

Discuss as a house hold your spending. Particularly your expenses in the area of time and money. Are there ways you can reduce the amount of time and/or money that is spent on things you don't need? Remember by reducing your expenses you position yourself to be able to give more time and money to other things.

Worship Fully - Prayer Times

Download our Mission & Building Triggers document. 

Faith Talks

Talk about some of the key stories you heard growing up about some miracles God had done for your family? How did those stories influence your faith in God?

If you don’t have any stories of God-miracles in your family growing up, talk about the way that might have influenced your faith.

Talk about how you can clear your schedule to be at the Parent Summit on November 21.

"I AM The Resurrection & The Life"

John 11:1-44

Faith Talk

Talk about the Tim Keller quote: "You don't really know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” Have you ever felt like Jesus is all you had? How did that feel?  

What things do you spend most of your time on? Be honest.  If Jesus asked you to ‘put those to death’ any/all of those activities how would you respond?  Would putting it to death make you feel dead or alive?

"I AM The Good Shepherd"

John 10:10-18

Talk together about a time Jesus led you in a way that seemed hard, confusing, or challenging, but when it all unfolded, you saw His leadership was perfect and good.

Talk together about something you are currently experiencing where you need to trust Jesus’ good leadership in your life. Remind each other how you know Jesus is a Good Shepherd.

"I AM The Door"

John 10:1-10

Faith Talks

Today’s teaching was about doors that give access to life. What doors have you always tried to break through/get in thinking you would find true life on the other side? When you did break through, how much life did you actually find?

Jesus is the door that gives us access to life in our Father.  What keeps you from pressing into the Father’s Presence? If Jesus has made access, why would you not go more often?

"I AM The Bread Of Life"

John 6:24-35

Faith Talks

Make a list of the stuff people work for in hope that it will satisfy the core need of their life. Of that list, what have you attempted to use to make yourself feel complete?

Like the life of the vine flows into the branches, so the Life of Jesus flows into His followers, making us like Him. Talk and pray together about one of Jesus’ character traits that you would like to see more in your life.

God Is Here

Philippians 4:5-7

Faith Talks

With a friend talk about a time in your life when you really believed you needed God’s presence in order to get through that situation. Why is that different from how you live everyday? What’s a step you could take to try and live that everyday? 

God is the protector of our emotions. But sometimes we try to guard ourselves without him. Talk about what that looks like in your life when you try and be the protecter of your heart. What happens to you? What happens to those around you?

Relational Harmony

Philippians 4:1-5

Faith Talks

Talk together about why relational harmony is important in the church, among Christian friends, in a family. Pray together about specific broken relationships you have that need harmony.

Relational harmony is impossible without being filled with the Gospel. Talk together about the 4 G’s and your relationships:

  • When I see evidence of control…I have rejected that God is great.
  • When I see evidence of proving myself…I have rejected that God is gracious.
  • When I see evidence of greed… I have rejected that God is good.
  • When I see the evidence of fear... I have rejected that God is glorious

The Kind of Dad Your Kids Need You to Be

Philippians 3:17-21

Faith Talks

  • Talk about a time when the hope you had in something influenced the way you lived, even though you didn’t yet have what you hoped for. What are the ways your hope in someday being with Jesus effects the way you live now?
  • We all need mentors — people we “mark.” Who are people you want to spend more time with? What steps will you take to be with them?