Vision: Strategic Partnerships


Faith Talks:

  1. What role did strategic partnership play in Paul's missionary journeys?

  2. What role will strategic partnerships play in the future of local and global missions at Living Faith?

  3. What are our obstacles to healthy partnerships?

  4. Is there anything that God is calling you to regarding local or global strategic partnerships?

Vision: Life on Life Discipleship

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Faith Talks:

  1. On Discipling Others:

    a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how competent/confident/responsible do you feel in discipling others? How does your past experience in discipleship affect that?

    b. What beliefs/thoughts/feelings about yourself hinder you from discipling others?  

  2. On Being Discipled: 

    a. What obstacles are stopping me from engaging in life on life discipleship? List them. What step can you take to overcome those obstacles? 

    b. Make a list of a few people who you would consider to be like Barnabas, (a good person, full faith and the Holy Spirit). Through prayer, ask God which of these people you could approach to start pursuing life on life discipleship.

Vision: House of Prayer

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Faith Talks:

  1. When it comes to prayer, what story am I telling myself?

  2. What truth or lie am I believing?

  3. What is God using in my life to invite me into His larger story?

  4. What would praying, or praying differently, look like?

  5. Consider praying with others for a season.

Vision 3 - Gospel Conversations

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Faith Talks:

  1. Describe the Gospel conversation between Peter and Cornelius.

  2. How did the passage show that the Holy Spirit was the one leading?

  3. Can you identify times in your life when the Holy Spirit was leading you toward an opportunity for a Gospel conversation? What did you do? How did you feel? What was the result?

  4. What obstacles do you face or what hinders you from being more free in Gospel conversations?

  5. How can you use OPEN TABLE to help you grow in your ability to have Gospel conversations?

Vision 2 - Biblical Literacy

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Faith Talks:

  1. What role did the Word of God and Scripture play in the growth of the early church in the book of Acts?

  2. What did Pastor Greg mean by the phrase Biblical Literacy?

  3. How hBiblical literacy impacts our growth because it shapes our world view and increases our faith. How does biblical literacy do that?

  4. How is your biblical literacy and where are some places that you can go to get help?

The Story of Us


Faith Talks:

  1. What surprised you about the story of the church?

  2. What is meant by Jesus centered disciples and Kingdom minded churches?

  3. How has the story of the church become .your story? In what ways has your life been impacted by God’s ongoing story of Jesus centered disciple partnering with God in making Kingdom minded churches?

Encountering God in Sovereignty - The Butterfly Effect

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Faith Steps:

Step 1:  Surrender your life to Jesus.

Do you believe that Jesus was sent by God to die on a cross to forgive your sins?

Do you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that He is still alive in heaven today?

Do you believe that Jesus is Lord, Savior, and King and will come again to set the world free from sin and death? 

Step #2: Write a 100 Year Life Vision:

Because of the gospel, what is it you most want to see changed in this world? 

What has to happen for it to really change?  List the changes.

Pray and pick one change to start on, and start on it this week. 

Encountering God in Reconciliation

  1. How Do I Forgive?

  2. Remember Forgiveness requires that you trust the justice of God

  3. Remember Forgiveness requires you trust the Grace of God

  4. Remember Forgiveness is an act of obedience not a feeling

  5. Remember Forgiveness Leads to healthy boundaries

  6. Remember Forgiveness is not just a moment but a process

  7. Grieve Your Hurts and Losses

  8. Offer Forgiveness at the Level of Offense

  9. Cancel the Debt

Faith Talks:

  1. What do we learn about reconciliation and forgiveness from the life of Joseph?

  2. What is the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness?

  3. In what ways have you found freedom in forgiveness?

  4. What are the relationships that you have where God is asking you to take steps of forgiveness or reconciliation? What do you think is a good next step?

Encountering God Through His Providence


Faith Talks:

  1. When we look at the long view of Joseph’s life, where do we see the providential work of God?

  2. When you look at the long view of your life, where can you see God’s providential work?

  3. What can you learn from the life and practices of Joseph that enabled him to maintain faithfulness while God was providentially working behind the scenes?

Encountering God: When It's Not Only About You

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Faith Talks:

  1. What is God saying to you about life being more than “just about you”?

  2. What are some of the ways that God provides the way to meet the challenges (famines) in your life?

  3. How could you better work with Him to make your life not just about your story but His story?

Encountering God in Inadequacy

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Faith Steps:

Step 1: Let’s recognize places we are inadequate.  Where do most often catch yourself saying         “I can’t do that”.  (e.g. Speaking up at work, Dealing with conflict, A particular task, Serving in a ministry, Sharing the story of Jesus, etc). Make a list of those things. 

Step 2: Pick one area from your list that you want to give room for God to provide what you lack. Take Joseph’s phrase and move in that area of inadequacy - “I Can’t do it, but God will give it…”   That one place of inadequacy might just be the place God wants to do something through your life.   

When that area comes up this week, do what Joesph did.  Recognize your inadequacy and lean on God to provide.  Pray about it, and use a similar phrase to Jospeh.  “I can’t do ______________, but God can/will ______________________.

Self-Talk of a Good Farmer


Faith Talks:

  1. What conclusions have you made about God in light of your suffering?

  2. How have your own assessments become an excuse not to follow God obediently?

  3. What fears are you feeling guilty of?

  4. What better self-talk does the Cross gives you access to?

  5. What aspect of the Father are you most thankful for today—present, powerful or patient? Why? 

Encountering God in Disappointment

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Faith Talks:

  1. How do you tend to respond to disappointment?

  2. How did Joseph respond to the disappointment of his circumstances?

  3. Share with at least one person what you think the Father wants to teach you about walking through disappointment.

Encountering God: Feeling Temptation


Faith Talks:

1. With safe people, talk about the things that temp you to sin.

2. What are the things that give you motivation to not follow the call of temptation? Write a list.

3. Do you find God to be the major motivating factor not to sin or is there another reason that is more motivating than God?

4. Spend time this week meditating on Proverbs 9:10, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Encountering God in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Faith Talks:

1. At the beginning of Genesis 37 Joseph received a great calling and great dreams for his life from God but what has happened to him by the end of chapter 37?

2. What obstacles and challenges did Jospeh face in Genesis 37?

3. Whether in your career or in a relationship, in what ways have you sensed that God has invited or called you to something only to find obstacles and challenges in your path? What was that like for you?

4. What helps you stay the course when facing those challenges and obstacles?

The Good Farmer


Faith Talks:

1. The Bible describes many obstacles the can hinder us from encountering the presence of God. How can you relate to the obstacle of expectations and idealism that we talked about from Nathanael story in John 1?

2. According to the teaching today what can it look like to experience the manifest presence of God?

3. What are ways to fight the obstacles and to prepare ourselves to experience God?

Encountering God - Week 3

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Faith Talks:

  1. Can you think of a time when encountering God helped you know Him more personally?

  2. Can you think of a time when encountering God activated your faith in some way? What was the result?

  3. Think of a time when you were empowered or equipped to do God’s will as a result of encountering God. How were you and others impacted?

  4. How motivated are you these days to pursue a personal encounter with God? What, if anything, is hindering your desire to pursue His presence?

  5. Consider praying with others in your household or relational circles about an increase in your desire to pursue the manifest presence of God in your daily life.

Encountering God - Week 2


Faith Talks:

1. How does the Biblical story indicate that God pursues His people?

2. How does knowing the pattern of God’s pursuit of his people impact your desire to be with God, to see him, to enjoy his presence?

3. Encountering the Presence of God means that God makes himself known to our spiritual senses and we align ourselves with Him. Can you identify a time in your life where God made Himself aware to your spiritual senses?

Encountering God - Week 1


Faith Talks:

1. What is your personal history with experiencing the presence of God? Reflect on the details of these events? What leads you to the conclusion that these were encounters with God?

2. Describe your desire to be with God, to see him, to enjoy his presence?

3. What does it look like in your life to seek after God?

Describe times in your life that you encountered Go

Colossians - Jesus Above All and in Every Moment


Faith Talks:

1.What are some false gospels that you have come to hear about Jesus? Have you come to believed any of them?

2.Can you identify areas in your life where you consider Jesus as an optional resource?

3.Do you personally know Jesus? or Do you know about Him only?

Colossians - A Band of Brothers


Faith Talks:

How does it impact you to know that there are men and women with such different backgrounds in Paul’s Band of Brothers?

Where in your life do you want to see an “open door for the word?” Over the next 6 weeks, ask the Father everyday for that open door. Let's see what happens!

Colossians - A New Life On Mission


Faith Talks:

When you pray, what do you ask for? Track this for one week. Then take one week to focus on “keeping the Lord before you.” Then share with a friend any ways you would change what you ask God for.

Make a list of moments in your life when you are around people who don’t believe in Jesus. Set a reminder for those times to remind you to pray and ask God for the Holy Spirit in those moments.

Colossians - A New Life Starts At Home

Faith Talks:

1-Husbands and wives talk about what is the hardship of living Col 3:18. Why is it so hard for you to live as this passage says?

2-Parents talk to each other about ways you have "provoked your children". you'll be able to identify this by looking for ways that you have discouraged them. Ask God for help together as parents.

3-Talk about your hearts motivation for why you might work hard at your job. Is it for God or for another reason? Talk about those heart motivations and the benefit of working for the lord and not for man.

To check out the works by Nate & Sharon that Erik references, just click on the pictures above or use this link.

Colossians - New Kingdom People


Faith Talks:

1. What are the things that Paul is telling us to put on in Colossians 3:12-17?

2. Why is Paul telling us to put those things on?

3. Of the things Paul tells us to put on which do you want to grow in and why is it a challenge for you?

4. What is it that you are refusing to let go of that keeps stuck in sinful patterns.

5. What do you plan to do in order to mature in how you treat others?

Palm Sunday 2019


Faith Talks:

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, what did the people do that was an appropriate response to the arrival of Jesus?

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, what did the people misunderstand or reject about Jesus?

What are the obstacles that you face to receive the authority of Jesus at the worship center of your life?

What is the great tragedy or consequence of not receiving Jesus at the worship center of your life?

Colossians - An Invisible Threat


Faith Talks:

Of the list of things that Paul says to put to death, which three do you struggle the most/least with? Explain your answer.

Culturally, which parts of your cultural heritage help/hinder you in living for the Kingdom of God? Explain your answer.

What issue(s) of your heart do you most long for Jesus to touch and change? Ask a friend to pray for you about these issues.

Colossians - Living in the Now & the Not Yet


Faith Talks:

  • Which aspect of redemption do you tend to focus more on: dying with Christ, being made alive with Christ or living in the future glory with Christ? Why?

  • Which of these three aspects would you like to grasp better so that you can mature in your identity in Christ?

  • Dying with Christ, being made alive with Christ and sharing in the future glory with Christ produces joy, shapes our love and fuels our hope. Share a story of how you are presently experiencing joy, loving (God or others) well or living hopeful in these days.

  • What is consuming your mind these days, earthly things or things from above? Consider asking someone to pray for you to have the grace to seek the things that are above and to set your mind on things that are above.

Colossians - "I'm Not Dead Yet"


Faith Talks:

  • In what ways can you identify the temptation to be “Alive” to the world, to create your own false gospel?

  • In what ways does being alive to the world and trusting in a false gospel lead to bondage?

  • In what ways does this false gospel will even pretend to look holy?

Colossians - Stay on the Path


Faith Talks:

  • Are there any areas in your life that you are looking to find fulfillment or fullness that cause you to reduce or reject Jesus?  Are any of these issues creating doubt of confusion in your walk with Christ?  If so, actively repent and ask some trusted friends to pray with you. 

    Walk with Jesus, Rest in Jesus, Focus on Jesus - What is one thing you can do on a daily basis to help you live these three things?  Share those with someone who can hold you accountable. 

Colossians - Warrior


Faith Talks:

  • In your pursuit of freedom why is it significant that Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities?

  • How has the triumph of our warrior King changed you life?

  • This lent season are there areas of your life where you feel held down or captive, areas where you are not living in the freedom Jesus has won for you? What are some empty philosophies that may be holding you captive?

Colossians - Continuing In Jesus


Faith Talks:

  • Faith talks:

    Talk about times in your life when community has: encouraged you, kept you from believing a deluded gospel, helped you understand the gospel.

  • Talk about an area of your life where God is building you up in the gospel. Think in terms of an area where you have seen a growth in maturity.

  • Gratitude towards God should be a main characteristic of God’s people. Spend ten minutes everyday this week sharing things that you are grateful for because of God. If you want to take it a step further as a practice in gratitude for this week choose not to complain about anything in your life.

Colossians - Worth It


Faith Talks:

  • Paul says in Colossians 1:24-29 that it is going to be worth it. It will be worth the effort, worth the pain, worth the suffering. According to Paul, what is so valuable that makes it all worth it?

  • How motivated are you to grow into maturity, and what is hard for you about growing into maturity?

  • Paul says in Colossians 1:29 “for this I toil.” What does it look like in your life to “toil,” work, or labor to present yourself and others as mature in Jesus?

Colossians - Simply Jesus


Faith Talks:

  • Jesus above all things: Which aspect of Christ creates the most “wow” in your heart? Share that with someone this week.

  • Jesus In every moment: What moments is it easiest for you to see Jesus above all things? What moments are the hardest for you to see Jesus as supreme? Share these with a trusted friend and pray for each other.

Colossians - The Gospel Wildfire


Faith Talks:

  • When somebody does a great spiritual thing, my first reaction is to congratulate them or thank God?

  • If no words could be used to explain people around me that I am a disciple of Christ, would they be able to know this because of the love I show to other Christians? Think about your everyday routine

  • When focusing on the hope laid for us in heaven, how can this change the view of your daily walk? Think on some concrete examples.

Rewind 2018

Faith Talks

  1. What is one truth about God that you believe your life shouts?

  2. What is a timeless truth about God that you held onto in 2018? 

  3. Make an assessment of the rhythms of your spiritual life. What needs to start and what needs to stop in order for you to establish healthy rhythms for your spiritual life?

  4. Review the LFA Faith Declaration. Discuss with a trusted friend how these declarations will become part of the rhythms for your spiritual life.

Advent 2018: Prince of Peace


Faith Talks

  1. What is so significant about the name of Jesus as Prince of Peace? In what way does the Bible show us Jesus as the Prince of Peace? In what areas of your life do you desire peace?

  2. Knowing the kind of peace Jesus offers, how committed do you think He is to bring about the peace you desire? In what ways can you join Jesus’ work in spreading/sharing peace? 

Advent 2018: Everlasting Father


Faith Talks

  1. When Jesus comes and brings everything to light in your life, will His might be for you or against you?  Will his arrival be a ‘rising’ or a ‘falling’ for you?  Sit with a good friend and talk these question over. 

  2. Read 2 Chronicles 27:6.  In what ways is this true in your life?  Are there any areas that need to change based on this verse?  If so, pick one and take one action to affect change in that area.

Advent 2018: Mighty God


Faith Talks

  1. When Jesus comes and brings everything to light in your life, will His might be for you or against you?  Will his arrival be a ‘rising’ or a ‘falling’ for you? 
    Sit with a good friend and talk these question over. 

  2. Read 2 Chronicles 27:6.  In what ways is this true in your life?  Are there any areas that need to change based on this verse?  If so, pick one and take one action to affect change in that area.