Easter Sunday 2019
Faith Talks:
Please take 10 minutes to have an honest talk about what God spoke to you from this sermon.
Why is the resurrection so important?
What is now ours because Jesus rose from the dead?
Please take 10 minutes to have an honest talk about what God spoke to you from this sermon.
Why is the resurrection so important?
What is now ours because Jesus rose from the dead?
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, what did the people do that was an appropriate response to the arrival of Jesus?
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, what did the people misunderstand or reject about Jesus?
What are the obstacles that you face to receive the authority of Jesus at the worship center of your life?
What is the great tragedy or consequence of not receiving Jesus at the worship center of your life?
Talk about the times you did something challenging for God and it turned out God used it to change you in some positive way.
Is there anything challenging you think God may be asking you to do that you are running from?
Faith Talks
Talk together about times/ways Jesus “rode into your life.” What helped you recognize Him? What hindered you from “receiving” Him?
Talk about some of the bigger mountains/obstacles you are presently experiencing that challenge your faith.
What are some ridiculous things you have asked of God? Has He answered any of those requests? What do His answers tell you about the will of God? Talk about this with 2 people this week.
Which of these five statements about Jesus is most true of you because of your faith in Christ? If Jesus were to make you more like Him in one of these areas, which one would need the most attention?