Faith Talks:
From what you heard from Pastor Greg what is the purpose of the church?
In what ways have you had a picture of the church that was to small or too limited?
I what ways has God used the church in your growth as a disciple?
From what you heard from Pastor Greg what is the purpose of the church?
In what ways have you had a picture of the church that was to small or too limited?
I what ways has God used the church in your growth as a disciple?
What are two brand new things you learned from Stanley Jon?
On a scale of 1-4 how normal has living on mission become in your household.
1-it’s a challenge and doesn’t happen
2-it happens but it is rare
3-it’s not as consistent as I would like but it’s happening
4-it’s just part of who we are and what we do
Take some time as a household and review the On Mission page to consider how you can be part of what God is doing around the world.
1. Get into groups according to where God has placed you as an ambassador. (Work, Life stage, Neighborhood, family, friends)
2. Share specific ways that you currently live as an ambassador where God has placed you.
3. Come up with a few practical things that you can do to live as an ambassador where God has placed you. (Don't over think it.)
Faith Talks
Talk about the times you did something challenging for God and it turned out God used it to change you in some positive way.
Is there anything challenging you think God may be asking you to do that you are running from?
For Jesus to be revealed to our friends, they must experience the miracle of revelation and faith. Pray together specifically for those two things over people in your life who need Jesus.
We learned from the Feeding of the 4000 that bread has to be broken before it blesses others. Talk about what Jesus may be breaking in your life. How are you responding? How do you need to cooperate? Pray for each other.