Advent Week 1
Timothy Today Part 2
Timothy Today Part 1
1 Timothy - Q&A Week 15
1 Timothy - Week 14
1 Timothy - Week 13
1 Timothy - Week 12
1 Timothy - Week 11
1 Timothy - Week 10
1 Timothy - Week 9
1 Timothy - Week 8
1 Timothy - Week 7
1 Timothy - Week 6
1 Timothy - Week 5
1 Timothy - Week 4
1 Timothy - Week 3
1 Timothy - Week 2
1 Timothy - Introduction
Jesus is Lord - Conclusion
Jesus is Lord of Finances
Jesus is Lord of Politics Part 2
Jesus is Lord of Politics
Jesus is Lord of Justice
Faith Talks:
What is Jesus asking you to trust Him with?
How is He inviting you to love your enemy?
Are you listening to Jesus on how to respond to current injustices?
Are you open to the way Jesus will do justice?
Jesus is Lord Now
Kelvin Walker
Jesus is Lord - Week 8
Jesus is Lord - Week 7
Jesus is Lord - Week 5
Jesus is Lord - Week 4
Jesus is Lord - Week 3
Jesus is Lord - Week 2
Jesus is Lord - Week 1
Easter Celebration Service
Art Baruffi - week 2 online service
Grace and Truth Today
Habakkuk: Sanctification
Habakkuk: Quietly Waiting or Kicking and Screaming
Faith Talks:
1. What did God offer to Habakkuk about himself that led the prophet to the conclusion that he would quietly wait?
2. What are the circumstances of your life where God is leading you to quietly wait for him to work?
3. What are you learning about who God is or what he has done that will help you to wait on him?
Habakkuk: Justice and Mercy
Habakkuk: Shortcuts to Death
Faith Steps:
Take time to identify your idols by completing this sentence (as many times as it takes to get them all). LIFE ONLY HAS MEANING/I ONLY HAVE WORTH IF…
Practice preaching the Gospel to your soul. Look up Bible truths on what Christ has promised. Seek to walk in those promises by faith.
Habakkuk: The Puffed Up
Habakkuk: Live by Faith
Faith Talks:
How does God answer Habakkuk’s complaint?
What does it mean to live by faith?
How is God inviting you to live by faith?
Habakkuk: How can this evil be...?
Habakkuk: Complaining to God About the Problem of Evil Part 1
Faith Talks:
1. What is Habakkuk’s complaint?
2. Why does God give us the example of a complaining prophet?
3. What does pastor Greg mean by problem of evil?
4. What experience do you have with wrestling with the problem of evil?
5. What hope or answers have you found helpful in your journey of faith through the problem of evil?
Habakkuk: The Honest Prophet
Faith Talks:
1. What did you learn about the prophet Habakkuk today?
2. What are the consequences of not being honest with God?
Rewind 2019
Advent: The Arrival of Peace
Advent: The Arrival of Joy
Faith Talks:
At the first advent, when Jesus arrived the result was that the shepherds experienced joy. Why? What was it about the arrival of Jesus that produced Joy for the shepherds?
2. Why is Joy important in your relationship with God?
3. How is it going with Joy in your life? To what degree is Joy part of your relationship with God?
4.What can you do to cultivate Joy in your life?
Advent: The Faith of a Forgotten Carpenter
Faith Talks:
After hearing the depth behind this Christmas story, how is your faith increasing? What piece of your faith do you most long to see? (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Talk about what you learned about this story today, that you didn’t know before, that could help enrich your (or someone else’s) faith.
Make an “even though / God” list, and answer it with Scripture. Example: Even though I feel persecuted, God will not abandon me. (2 CoR 4:9)
Hope is Here, His Name is Jesus
Faith Talks:
What kind of darkness are you experiencing in your life? And, how is that impacting you?
Jesus is here; which one of the following realities about him are you willing to receive in your heart?
- Jesus will live in the fullness of the Spirit
- His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord
- He will administer justice
- He is always dressed up in righteousness and faithfulness
- He will establish complete shalom
- Jesus will fill the whole earth with the knowledge of the Lord
Who could you share the hope Jesus is giving you with?