A Redeemed Microwave

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

The other night our family was getting ready to go to a family birthday dinner, and as my wife went to heat something up in the microwave, it would not do its microwave thing when the start button was pushed. Nope, nothing. It wasn’t the breaker because the clock worked, over the stove light worked, but nothing else. At that moment, I silently declared it’s now just an elaborate cupboard with a clock and light. Hmmm, what’s the first thing I think of? “Oooooo, that’s gonna be ‘spensive.” Well, we went to dinner and had a great time and did not think about the microwave even once.

Then we came home, and to me that microwave clock is the brightest thing in the kitchen. I pulled out a stool, my son Matthew and I got the mount bolts out and took the microwave downstairs to the workbench. We disassembled it with surgical precision. Cover off, front panel off and undid some of the wiring so we could test things. The most incredible thing happened. Matt was looking for what switches did what, and he pointed to the internal part of the control panel, “There’s a folded-up piece of paper.” He pulled it out, and it was a wiring diagram with all the circuit flow diagrams, component lists and troubleshooting flowchart. Wow, that is cool. Manufacturers used to do that for the repairmen. We spread the diagram out all over the bench, and we were both following the electrical flow and started testing things. “Voila!”, bad door switch. He shorted across it and plugged it back in, and the microwave did its microwave thing and heated up a bottle of water. We’re there! I took the switch upstairs to the computer and found a place where I could buy one for $4.08 with free shipping. While I was waiting on the switch to arrive, I did get to clean out the internals of the microwave. It was really dirty after 10 years of use. Since it was open, I took an old toothbrush and scrubbed everywhere that had yuck.

Two days later the switch showed up, and an hour later the microwave was being used to heat up lunch.

I am so thankful to God that my sons and I are “take ‘er apart and fix ‘er people.” I am also thankful that it only cost $4.08, but most of all I am thankful that I got to spend time with my son figuring out what was broken. I got to see his troubleshooting skills and see firsthand how he uses the necessary tools to get to the answers to find a solution.

I am reminded about what Jesus did in my life to redeem me from my life of destruction. I remember when He started to make changes in my life. I was at a place of, “Lord, do what you have to do; I’m a mess,” and He did. He moved me out of the life I was in (self-centered) and planted me in Church. I started reading the Bible, having devotions every morning, and He brought me alongside Godly friends and got me involved in discipleship. As I look back, I notice that He was drilling into the deeper areas of my life to pull out the bad switch. Hah… ok switches. And the changes started to take place.

I’m realizing that I’m not always right. Remember “Ooooo, that’s gonna be ‘spensive”? Nope. $4.08 and a bit of my time. Done.

In the past I have always viewed “broken” as a bad thing and “fixing” whatever, as the “conquering the problem” or even “victory.” What has changed is that when I see something broken now, I start to look for the blessing that usually comes with it. Sharing, fellowship, conversations that would not have taken place without it. How is God going to use this? For instance, if something on my vehicle breaks, I know my brother (the auto mechanic) might need to talk with me about something. And that is usually the case.

In the past I have not been so thankful for what God has provided in my life, but that is changing. I am seeing that there are a lot of things in my life that I do not really deserve. Through God’s grace they are provided, and I’m thankful for them. But I also see them for what they really are: provisions and not the work of my hands.

As I stated, I did get to thoroughly clean the microwave while it was on the bench. Cleaned the dust from the fans and the internal ductwork, the underside of the door (ugh). I could get to places that I could not when it was over the stove. Didn’t Jesus wash me white as snow? You could say that I’m not a fire hazard to my surroundings anymore. Neither is the microwave.

Currently the microwave is operating perfectly. It is clean and looks great. It has been redeemed (from broken to repaired), and I can see the results in my kitchen.

Currently I feel I’m right where He wants me. In the journey of sanctification. I have been redeemed (from destruction to life), and I can see results in my heart.

What evidence is there that the Holy Spirit is digging into deep areas in your life?
What are the areas where the Holy Spirit is working on your life in your journey of sanctification?
What results do you see in your life, comparing where you were to where you are now?
I encourage you to discuss these with God.

Have a great day!

—Brian Rainey

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*Please be advised that this blog represents the views, opinions and beliefs of the writer and does not necessarily reflect those of our church leadership or denominational affiliation.