Encountering God in Reconciliation

  1. How Do I Forgive?

  2. Remember Forgiveness requires that you trust the justice of God

  3. Remember Forgiveness requires you trust the Grace of God

  4. Remember Forgiveness is an act of obedience not a feeling

  5. Remember Forgiveness Leads to healthy boundaries

  6. Remember Forgiveness is not just a moment but a process

  7. Grieve Your Hurts and Losses

  8. Offer Forgiveness at the Level of Offense

  9. Cancel the Debt

Faith Talks:

  1. What do we learn about reconciliation and forgiveness from the life of Joseph?

  2. What is the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness?

  3. In what ways have you found freedom in forgiveness?

  4. What are the relationships that you have where God is asking you to take steps of forgiveness or reconciliation? What do you think is a good next step?