Encountering God

The Good Farmer


Faith Talks:

1. The Bible describes many obstacles the can hinder us from encountering the presence of God. How can you relate to the obstacle of expectations and idealism that we talked about from Nathanael story in John 1?

2. According to the teaching today what can it look like to experience the manifest presence of God?

3. What are ways to fight the obstacles and to prepare ourselves to experience God?

Encountering God - Week 3

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Faith Talks:

  1. Can you think of a time when encountering God helped you know Him more personally?

  2. Can you think of a time when encountering God activated your faith in some way? What was the result?

  3. Think of a time when you were empowered or equipped to do God’s will as a result of encountering God. How were you and others impacted?

  4. How motivated are you these days to pursue a personal encounter with God? What, if anything, is hindering your desire to pursue His presence?

  5. Consider praying with others in your household or relational circles about an increase in your desire to pursue the manifest presence of God in your daily life.

Encountering God - Week 2


Faith Talks:

1. How does the Biblical story indicate that God pursues His people?

2. How does knowing the pattern of God’s pursuit of his people impact your desire to be with God, to see him, to enjoy his presence?

3. Encountering the Presence of God means that God makes himself known to our spiritual senses and we align ourselves with Him. Can you identify a time in your life where God made Himself aware to your spiritual senses?

Encountering God - Week 1


Faith Talks:

1. What is your personal history with experiencing the presence of God? Reflect on the details of these events? What leads you to the conclusion that these were encounters with God?

2. Describe your desire to be with God, to see him, to enjoy his presence?

3. What does it look like in your life to seek after God?

Describe times in your life that you encountered Go