Questioning God

Knowing God - Can I really Experience God?


  1. When you hear of the phrase “experiencing the presence of God” what comes to your mind?
  2. What is your personal history with experiencing the presence of God?
  3. What are the questions that come up for you when you think about experiencing the presence of God?
  4. Next week we will learn about the timeless doctrine of the Presence of God but according to the teaching today why is it important to be aware and to even seek the presence of God?


Knowing God: Current Questions, TimEless Doctrines

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Faith Talks

1. Tell about a time in your life that a timeless doctrine (a truth about God) answered a current question that you had. 

2. What are some of the puzzles that you face or current questions that you have about God or what he is doing?

3. How might God be using those puzzles or questions to help you know Him?

4. Ask some people to pray for you over some of the pressing questions that you are currently facing?