Obedience — Living Faith Alliance Church


Judges: Men without chests

Pastor Greg
Judges: People Without Chests
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Faith Talks:

  1. Micah’s view of God was to demonstrate religious effort to gain access to God so that God would do what Micah wanted. Can you see that in the religious culture around us? In what ways have you see that in your life?

  2. Chapter 18 opens with the statement that there was no king in Israel. In the story of Micah and the Danites, what is the indication that there is no King? 

  3. C.S. Lewis used the phrase 'men without chests'. A man or person without a chest is a person that operates from their head (reason) and their gut (appetites). They are strategic in their thinking, but what ultimately drives them is their appetite. Their chest would be the place of identifying what they worship, coming under authority and ordering their values. The result is saying no to certain appetites at certain times. So, how is your chest? Is it healthy? What are the areas of your life that are driven more by your gut (appetite) than the chest and the voice of God?

Judges: The Death of Samson

Pastor Chris
Judges: Death of Samson
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Faith Talks:

  1. Examine your heart for God.  Would you say your heart is alive, numb, or mostly dead toward God?  Explain your answer to a trusted friend. 

  2. In Samson’s life we see many sinful issues: pride, lust, anger, vengeance, complacency, rejection of God’s call.   Are any of these causing your heart to drift from God?  If so, make this a matter of repentance and process.  Ask God to realign your heart so you rely on Him and live from a heart aligned with the will of God for your life. 

Judges: Samson Begins

Pastor Greg
Judges: Samson - Part 2
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Faith Talks:

  1. In Judges 14, we find the people of Israel very comfortable among the Philistines. In what ways does the story indicate that Samson and Israel have assimilated into Philistine culture, that they are no longer distinct as God’s people?

  2. Why is assimilation into culture so attractive to God’s people? In what ways have you felt that pressure in your own life?

  3. In the story of Samson, what does God do for his people who have assimilated into the culture of the Philistines? In what ways has God worked in your life to rescue you from being assimilated into a culture that is against God?

  4. There are many things Samson did that were empowered by the Holy Spirit, yet his life was filled with compromise. What is the warning you receive from Samson’s life?

Judges: The Birth of Samson

Pastor Chris
Judges: The Birth of Samson
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Faith Talks:

  1. What’s one way you would want God to use your life to shape the next generation? Write it down and share it with a trusted friend. Commit to pray over this for 1 year.

  2. What ‘good things’ in your life can you set aside to devote yourself to God? Name them and setup an accountability relationship to help you.

Judges: Jephthah

Pastor Greg
Judges: Jephthah
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Faith Talks:

  1. What does it mean that idolatry and slavery go hand in hand?
  2. Jephthah obviously did not know the character or ways of God. What are some ways in which your view of God has been based more on tradition and culture then on how God has reveled himself in scripture?
  3. What did you learn today are the signs of true repentance and how can you cultivate true repentance?

Judges: Gideon Part 3, The Cost of Compromise

Pastor Greg
Judges: Gideon Part 3, The Cost of Compromise
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Faith Talks:

  1. What are the patterns of failure in Gideon’s that become more obvious in the failure of Abimelech?
  2. What are patterns of failure in the generation before you that you wrestle with and desire victory over?
  3. What hope does this story point to and what hope do you have for winning the battle over the sin of the previous generation?

Judges: Gideon Part 2

Pastor Greg
Judges: Gideon Part 2
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Faith Talks:

  1. What are things that God has revealed to you about himself that have enabled you to be bold in the face of opposition?
  2. Can you identify times in your own life where God has weakened you? In those times of weakness in what ways did you see God’s strength and deliverance?
  3. It seems that God does a lot of work in order to be praised. Why is it so important that God is praised or that God is glorified?

Judges: Gideon Part 1

Pastor Erik
Judges: Gideon Part 1
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Faith Talks:

  1. What are things that God has revealed to you about himself that have enabled you to be bold in the face of opposition?
  2. Can you identify times in your own life where God has weakened you? In those times of weakness in what ways did you see God’s strength and deliverance?
  3. It seems that God does a lot of work in order to be praised. Why is it so important that God is praised or that God is glorified?

Judges: 7/29

Pastor Greg
Judges: Deborah & Barak
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Faith Talks:

  1. What are the leadership tests in front of you?

  2. In what ways have you said yes to following God into those leadership tests and in what ways have you given your glory to another?

Judges: The Need for a Unifying Leader

Pastor Chris
Judges: The Need for a Unifying Leader
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Faith Talks:

  1. What causes you to lose sight of God? 

  2. What are patterns in your life that need to be broken? 

Judges: A Spectacular Mess

Pastor Greg
Judges: The Lost Generation
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Faith Talks:

  1. Why do you think that second generation, the one after Joshua’s generation was so lost?

  2. Discuss areas in your life where you can identify the reality of both the unconditional and a conditional aspect of God’s promises? 

Judges: The Fallout of Compromise

Pastor Chris
Judges: The Fallout of Compromise
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Faith Talks:

  1. Are there any compromises in your life that are (or have been) affecting your faith?  Intentionally repent of these and ask Jesus to help you.
  2. Are there any values in your life that have become idols?  What is one step you can take to remove that idol from your life? 

Judges: Introduction

Pastor Greg
Judges: An Introduction
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Faith Talks:

1. Which of the following themes are you interested learning about and why?
-God wants to be King
-unconditional and a conditional aspects of God’s promises
-cost to compromised leadership and unfaithfulness
-need a true savior

2. What does it teach you about God that he is willing to bring grace and judgement into such brokenness?

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