The Gospel Prequel

The Day of the Lord

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Zephaniah 1-3

Faith Talk:

Share one or two evidences you see in your life when you lose a view of heaven and final judgement? (i.e..  purposelessness, hopelessness, lawlessness, small-mindedness, hedonism, materialism, and arrogance)

What is the Gospel  you preach to your own soul when you consider the terror of the Day of the Lord? 

When you  consider the rewarding blessing of the Day of the Lord, what hope does it bring to you?

Cry of Faith

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2 Chronicles 32:1-23


1) What is God teaching you about faith through Hezekiah?

2) Your “cry of faith” may be different in form or context than Hezekiah’s but can you tell a story about a time where you exercised faith?

3) In 2 Chronicles 32:1-23 Hezekiah had to fight against the lies and manipulation of Sennacherib’s verbal warfare against God. What are some lies and manipulations against God that you fight against?

For Further Study on This Theme


The Day of Atonement...It Is Finished

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Leviticus 16:1-22 

Faith Talk:

1) In general, do you find yourself mostly at peace with God because you know Jesus' atonement? Or do you find yourself mostly lacking peace, trying to fix your life? 

2) What are some "false saviors" you have trusted to give you peace? 

3) Digging Deeper: Review the 5 effects of sin / 5 ways Jesus' death atones for our sin. Share one that stands out most to you. 

For Further Study on this theme:

Formed By His Word Study Guide 


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2 Kings 22 & 23 

Faith Talks:

1) What did you learn from Josiah’s example of repentance in 2 Kings 22 & 23?

2) IN YOUR PAST: Like Josiah what are some behaviors or patterns for which you have repented? 

3) IN YOUR PRESENT: Can you identify any current patterns or behaviors for which God is leading you to repent? What is it about God and the gospel that is leading you to repent? What obstacles stand in the way of your repentance?


The Forever King

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1 Samuel 8:1-22 

1 Chronicles 17:7-14

Faith Talks: 

1) Surrender to Jesus as King leads to true freedom.  Name some times in your life where this has been true for you.  Be specific.

2) What does John 1:12 say about living in God’s Kingdom? What is holding you back from surrendering to Jesus?

3) Put into words what it means for Jesus to be King.  Put into words what it means for Jesus to be King of your life.  

For More Study On This Theme:

Formed By His Word Study Guide 

Covenant Love

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2 Samuel 13-18

Faith Talks: 

1. Talk about times in your life when it was difficult for you to actually believe in and count on God's covenant love for you. 

2. Who are some people in your life who you would want to know God's covenant love? Spend time praying for them and look for ways you can tell them about God's love. 

3. Digging Deeper: put into words what God's covenant love means. What are some biblical examples or statements of God's covenant love for His people?  

Formed By His Word Study Guide (Psalm 25) 

The Gospel Prequel

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Genesis 3:15

Faith Talks: 

2) Have you ever found yourself getting in God’s way because you were trying to redeem yourself? How does it make you feel to know that God alone can redeem us?

1) Put into words what it means that God is our Redeemer.  What are some biblical examples of God redeeming.

3) Share with each other areas that you need redemption and pray for each other.

Formed By His Word Study Guide (Genesis 3:1-15)