
Sowing & Reaping

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Galatians 6:6-18

Faith Talks:

1) Can you think of times when sowing to please your “flesh” (your sinful nature) forced you to reap “destruction”?

2) How do these verses motivate you to “do good to all people”?

3) What we boast in is what we are living for. What do you celebrate (boast about) most? What does that say about what you may be living for?

4) Going deeper: If you had to sum up the message of the whole book of Galatians in a few words, what would you say?

Formed By His Word Study Guide (Galatians 6:6-18)

Gospel Relationships

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Galatians 5:26-6:5 

Faith Talks:

1) When you miss the Gospel, how does your conceit show itself in your relationships?  Do you tend to see yourself more superior or inferior to others?

2) Is there a habitual sin you need to gently restore a brother/sister from? Are you willing to listen to others who seek to restore you? 

3) What opportunities has God given you to carry another’s burdens?

 Formed By His Word Study Guide (Galatians 5:26-6:5)

The Gospel and the Law

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Galatians 3:15-25

Faith Talks: 

1. The teaching this week explained the three words in Psalm 51:1-2 that describe our natural condition. Talk about times in your life when your “moral compass” seemed broken (Iniquity), or you found yourself too weak to do what was right (Sin), or even knowing what God wanted you to do, you rebelled (Transgression). 

2. The teaching this week highlighted three types of “works of the law.” Can you identify with any of them? What “works” in your life do you tend to look to in order to feel guilt-free and clean before God? 

Alive To The Gospel

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Galatians 3:1-14

Faith Talks: 

  1. Look again at Galatians 3:1-14. What words and phrases does Paul use to describe the contrast between faith and works?
  2. Talk together about some ways you have experienced the curse (see 3:10) of trying to become justified by your works.
  3. In verses 2-5, can you find three evidences of what happens in the life of a person who has embraced the Gospel? Talk about which of these you have personally experienced.


Living According to the Gospel

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Galatians 2:11-21

Faith Talk

  1. Peter’s fear lead him to insist on "a work of the law" in order to be close to God this meant that his life was out of step with the gospel. What are some "works of the law" that you are tempted to place as a standard over your own life and the lives of others?
  2. What can you learn about God’s love through the truth of Justification?
  3. In what ways have you experienced being “alive to God?”  In what ways would you like to grow in being “alive to God?”