Paying Attention to What Father is Doing — Living Faith Alliance Church

Paying Attention to What Father is Doing

Recently we had a missionary couple join us for a couple of services. If you weren’t intentionally looking to connect with visitors, you might have missed them. Thanks to a growing number of people who are watching out and caring for our new guests, I ended up meeting Scott for breakfast, which led to a long talk about our Father.

God used Scott to reawaken something in me, something that once burned bright a few years ago but was now smoldering in my heart. It is a passion to be where my Beloved is, not where I hope or would like Him to be. It is the passion to intentionally invest my life, not just “drift” my life. It is the call to come and follow Him without regard to the cost.

 Curiously, in our discussion, we found out that we had a common spiritual ancestry. The same people who tried to influence me to Christ also touched Scott’s life. We heard the Gospel lived and preached from many of the same people in our little Seabrook community. We both wasted years in doing our own thing. We both were drawn to the savior by grace alone. We’ve both seen things on the mission field that left us wondering, “Why not here, Lord?”. We both are not so impressed with the churches we build from human effort, not just in the US but all over the world. We both know there is more. We both want more. The deep in Scott called to the deep in me.

What’s the point? Pay attention to those whom God brings across your path. Look for the gift they bring to you. Don’t be foolish enough to think that every new acquaintance brings a Holy Spirit gift to warm your heart. Just maybe you carry the gift they need. Simply join the dance of loving our Father and let that love splash where it may and on whom it may.

The truth is, we can slowly drift in our hearts. The wear and tear of life can distract from really living in Christ. True life is only found in the one who is the way, the truth, and the life. Pay attention, stir up your gifts, look for the many ways our Beloved appears to us. Get in touch with your slumbering godly passions and live again.

Join me in engaging the visitors who come through our doors. They may have a gift to give or a gift to receive from you. Let the life of Christ bloom among us. Let’s live Him loud.

—George Davis


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