The God Who Spoke the Ebb and Flow of Water

On my best days, I am quite confident that the God who spoke the ebb and flow of water, air, nature, and the cosmos is altogether trustworthy to hold and shepherd the seasons of my simple life. But there are those other kinds of days. Days when my faith must hunker down under full-scale bombardments of doubt and discouragement. Days when holding to the goodness and veracity of God takes all the determination and good confession I can muster. Days when I wield the sword of God’s Word with tired hands and steely grit.

While I often label the easier days as my “best days,” perhaps I have it perfectly wrong. When I arise from faith’s foxhole, and I see my true faith in the light of day, I know that those are my real “best days.” It is in those days that I see the difference between what I think I believe and the steel of faith that He has grown in me over time. I get to see how deep my trust in my Father, who orchestrates the seasons of my life, truly runs, and I am encouraged, yet challenged, to keep growing for I am weak, but yet I am stronger than ever before.

I have sometimes thought, and heard from others, that God, in effect, is too busy to see and act in in the small details of life. But I refuse to succumb to the cynicism of doubt even when my battles are fierce and seem darkest to my soul.

God lets us know, in His word, that He counts the hairs on our heads, cares for us more intimately than He does nature, saves our tears in a bottle, dries our tears, speaks specifically to willing hearts, knows us within our mother’s wombs, lavishes love on us, comforts us, and effectively prays through us when all we have is incomprehensible groans. He also tells us that He sees us, searches our hearts, works within and through us, names us in intimate ways known only to us, and celebrates our overcoming victories. See for yourself as you engage His Word. It’s all there and more. 

Thinking about it, I will choose to call all my days – all of them - my best days. I will press on into the love and purpose my Father has for me. I will remain on the path toward greater faith and trust in His care and love for me. I choose to call all my days, best days, and I will continue to grow in steely confidence that the one who invented seasons knows my seasons and is carefully tending me as His beloved child.

We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love he has for us. God is love! Those who are living in love are living in God, and God lives through them.

I John 4:16 (The Passion Translation)

—George Davis


*Please be advised that this blog represents the views, opinions and beliefs of the writer and does not necessarily reflect those of our church leadership or denominational affiliation.