Work Done in Secret

In Matthew 6, Jesus encourages us to give, pray, and fast in secret. Jesus’s words provoke our pride, expose our desires, and test our faith. Consideration of these directions reveal our pride to receive the praises of men. They expose our desire to receive rewards on earth. They test our faith in whether God truly exists and whether He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Jesus follows these directions with a warning that earthly and heavenly rewards are different and both cannot be received. There is much to learn from these simple but difficult words. Much is revealed about us, but much is also revealed about God. Please consider this and find great hope: the One encouraging us to do good in secret, is doing wonderful things in secret.  

We can not overestimate the incredible work that God is doing across the world, across the street, or across the table. Do not be dismayed. He often shines His light in the darkest places. Though we may not see all of His works, do not be fooled to believe that everything is falling apart or that injustice is going unpunished. God is in control. David writes in Psalm 29:10:

The Lord sits enthroned over the Flood;

the Lord sits enthroned as king forever.

The one seated on the throne tells us, “I am making all things new.”  Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” As we mature in our knowledge of Christ and His love, we will grow in our certainty of what He is doing in secret. May we be conformed into His image.

—Roger Garrison
