Keeping the Gospel Message Fresh in our Soul

I remember a philosophy professor told our class about the need to recalibrate underground missiles every so often during the course of a day due to the movement of the earth and the catastrophic consequences that would take place if the wrong target would be hit by one of these. For those of you wondering, this was an ex-military now professor. Like the missiles, my professor noted, our souls need to be recalibrated so often because our tendency is to get off track easily and quickly.

Though our hearts may have been anchored in the Gospel at some point in our lives, the reality is that we need Jesus to rescue us every day. Though saved, we are still dealing with the presence of sin and a heart that easily makes an idol out of anything that shines or promises life to us.

Where can you go to recalibrate often your soul? Where can you go to remind your soul of the precious Gospel message? These days I would recommend Titus 2:14:

"[Jesus] who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works."

One verse packed with the truth you need to remind yourself of who saved you and what is the extend of His redemption.

  1. Who saved you? Jesus "gave himself for us". He took the initiative to become human so as to enter our world and from that place offer a sacrifice that would satisfy the demands of His Father. In a profound way, Jesus did whatever it took to reconcile human beings with God and give them a chance to participate in his glory--a larger narrative beyond our wildest dreams!

  2. What is the extent of his redemption? Jesus came explicitly to...

  • Redeem us from lawlessness (He came to address our idolatrous hearts)

  • Purify us for Himself (He came to change our condition)

  • To make us His own possession (He came to change our identity; not orphans any longer but His treasured possession)

  • That we may be zealous for good works (He came to change our purpose; we can now be carriers of His presence in the daily and mundane moments)

I hope you find this passage helpful. Recalibrating our hearts can begin with a few simple questions that can take us back to the Gospel in Titus 2:14:

  • What place does Jesus have in my life right now?

  • What is my heart treasuring today?

  • How am I addressing sin in my life?

  • Who do I believe I am? And who is telling me that?

  • What do I believe is my purpose?

May God refresh your Gospel-thirsty soul as you recalibrate your heart. Caution: failing to do so often will have catastrophic consequences.

—Diego Cuartas


*Please be advised that this blog represents the views, opinions and beliefs of the writer and does not necessarily reflect those of our church leadership or denominational affiliation.