I want to take you on a little journey that I really believe Jesus started me on years ago. I will try to keep this to the Reader’s Digest version, because it’s been going on for 15 years now. And I do not want to dwell on the current events. But…take note: with the health ailing condition of my family and with what’s happening, I have to admit that I have allowed myself to be right at the edge of pure fear.
So here’s where Jesus started working on me in 2005. I told him that I could not continue with this life I’m wrecking and gave it completely to Him. And that is where it starts. Just prior to that is when Facebook started as a company and began a social media campaign to sport their software to bring people together. Hah! How could I include those two polar opposites in the same paragraph? Jesus and Facebook? As time went on, I joined up, added family, friends, co-workers, school friends, people I hadn’t talked to in years, everyone! But then Jesus tapped me on the shoulder and started to show me something. I can have many friends, (that could drive me crazy), but only the friends that I follow, their posts will show on my timeline for me to read. Hmm..? So in other words, stay friends, but unfollow the offensive or negative ones who post. Yeah, this might be a little technical, but some 15 years later what do I have?
When I open Facebook, I see Scripture (MANY a day), I see posts about great things, creation, God-sightings, encouragement, wisdom. Positivity!! Life! And sometimes some “Ouchies”…Oswald!!
From the churches that I have been to, I have gained friends who post Scripture, Godly sayings and many uplifting things. The people who I thought would do great posts, don’t, and the people who I thought would never post anything, post great things!
I follow musicians who point to God and reveal His glory.
I follow pastors and churches who put great posts up each day.
I follow some popular Authors who post great sayings.
So here’s God at work in something. One night I grabbed my phone. It was on the FB app, and I accidentally and unknowingly added this lady from Turnersville. She accepted the next day and I was thinking this was crazy, but she knew my cousin from their church. She had just been through a brain trauma in December and is praising God for her miraculous recovery. Wow. I shared my story that I posted on LFA God Stories about my intestines, and she was overwhelmed at how God got us to share our stories. She needed to see the work of God in my story, and I really needed to see the exact same in her story. She posts Scripture many times a day! That’s exactly what Jesus wants in front of me.
So back to the “edge of pure fear.” How has this Facebook thing helped me? When I open it in the morning, I see verses, sayings and usually something that pertains to what I’m going through. Yep, that’s all God’s doing there. And as my family is going through this troubling time, I have been able to see the “fear not” that God has emphasized in Scripture. Why? Because God is in control.
“The only comfort we all have is because God is sovereign and because he transcends everything and in everything, he has his purpose and his purpose is good, good for us and glory for him.” John MacArthur
Psalm 16:1-2. Preserve me, O God, for in You I take refuge. I have said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; my welfare has no existence outside of You.”
Yes God can use this Facebook thing for good. It is all about how one sets things to work. As I look at it what it helps me do is keep my eyes on things above. A renewing in my mind about who is in control. I need that.
—Brian Rainey