Serve, Celebrate and Kiss!

This blog may not be what you are thinking of. I could not resist to pick three verbs that as humans we are all well familiar with—serve, celebrate, and kiss. And can you believe these are three verbs one king used in the past to advise other kings?

Psalm 2 is a perfect passage to read and meditate on when it comes to election time and after leaders have been elected. 

Even though the author of Psalm 2 is not identified, the Psalm is attributed to King David in Acts 4:24-26. This is the advice King David has to offer other Kings (verses 10-12):

Therefore, you kings, be wise;

    be warned, you rulers of the earth. 

Serve the Lord with fear

    and celebrate his rule with trembling.

Kiss his son, or he will be angry

    and your way will lead to your destruction,

for his wrath can flare up in a moment.

    Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

King David exhorts other kings to serve the Lord with fear, celebrate the fact that God is sovereign, and to kiss the Son of God because He, the Son, has the power to execute judgements. King David wraps up his exhortation with the affirmation that anyone who takes refuge in the Lord is a blessed person.

What is the alternative highlighted here for a king—leader—of any nation? Very simply: any king who does not serve in this way will be left to his own “ways” which will lead him to destruction.

So in our day, our president, congress, senate, supreme court, governors, mayors, freeholders, and any other leader in between, would be exhorted by King David to do their work with this perspective in mind. Whatever you do, serve the Lord with fear (this will keep you from relying on your understanding). Whatever you do, celebrate the fact that God rules (this will keep you humble as you regard the authority God has over everything). Whatever you do, kiss the Son of God (this will position you to receive every blessing Jesus secured at the Cross on your behalf). This too will attest to the fact that your affections and honor are directed toward the Son of God.

We can pray before, during and after the election for our leaders. That they will be given grace to serve the Lord with fear, celebrate God’s sovereignty, and kiss the Son of God!

May God help them. May God help us to pray for them.

—Diego Cuartas


*Please be advised that this blog represents the views, opinions and beliefs of the writer and does not necessarily reflect those of our church leadership or denominational affiliation.