Life Requires a Big Shield, Enormous Glory, and A Great Advocate

I would venture to say that most of us spend a lot of energy and resources to protect ourselves, build lives marked by significance, and establish a sense of wholeness that is approved by us and, to some extent, others.

Recently, as I read Psalm 3:3, God drove deep into my soul the conviction that it is Him who can offer me protection, significance, and redemption in a way that no one else can. Not even me on my best day!

“But you, O Lord are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head”.

It is in the midst of vulnerable times when King David declared these truths about God. David was fleeing from his own son, Absalom, in order to preserve his life. Talk about being tempted to find protection? Significance? Or to stand tall? Truth be told, our lives are not far from King David’s.

How many times do we employ any means to protect ourselves from pain or dangers? From criticism or rejection? From disapproval or failures? 

How many times do we employ any means to find our own significance in life? In an effort to find that significance, we seek to build our own glory, our own reputation, our own sense of importance. 

And, how many times do we employ any means to vindicate ourselves, to defend ourselves, to prop ourselves up so that we come out with our chins up and high? 

Here is what the Psalm confronts us with:

God offers to be our shield—to protect us from things that come from the outside and the inside. Not all the things that threaten our wholeness come from outside, some reside within us.

God offers to be our glory—He invites us into a larger, glorious story, and a glorious person who defines reality in ways that our finite minds can’t perfectly imagine or comprehend. From eternity to eternity God has willed things that are for our good and for His good fame.

God offers to lift our head up—He redeems. He justifies. He vindicates. He defends. He provides the resources to transform us into the image of His Son Jesus. He began a good work in us and He promises to bring it to completion.

What most of you may not know is that these truths about God are really anchors for someone like me—someone who has struggled with fear of man which has left me limping with a tendency to please others. Thanks be to God who is slowly freeing me from the grip of these. I also thank Jesus, His Son, who is so committed to be my constant and gracious advocate.

Is God the person to whom you look for protection, significance, and redemption?

— Diego Cuartas


*Please be advised that this blog represents the views, opinions and beliefs of the writer and does not necessarily reflect those of our church leadership or denominational affiliation.