I had the experience of worshiping alongside many women this past Friday at our church’s first “Women Encountering God” worship night. In all honesty, the night felt overwhelming to me (and maybe not in the way you’re assuming). I was really moved by God on display in the testimonies given. How they pointed to His goodness, greatness, graciousness, and gloriousness. How He mends the broken hearted, sets the captives free, delivers from darkness, comforts those who mourn, and gives beauty, joy and a garment of praise in return. I felt such a sense of joy at hearing the work of the Lord in individual lives.
It felt very emotional to be in a room of women singing praises to God with loud and joyful voices. I saw women worshiping with big, expressive postures of praise, and women worshipping with gentle, reverent postures of praise. I saw women embracing one another and praying with one another. It was all so beautiful.
These were evidences of other people experiencing God, but that wasn’t what overwhelmed me that night. I was overwhelmed by the very intimate and personal presence of the Holy Spirit that I experienced. God impressed on me a sense of His holiness, His majesty, and His worth. I had a sense of the picture that Isaiah paints in Isaiah 6 of a majestic God in His throne room, radiating glory and being worshiped by heavenly beings with a song of “Holy, holy holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!”.
I’m including a link to an article that I read about what happens when we worship. CLICK HERE to read this article. I think that they do a good job of explaining what it really is, and why it’s important.
Take the time to read this embedded article and think about what your experience of worship is.
Does it lead you to a greater focus on God?
Does it lead you to more intimacy with God?
Does it ever lead you to a place of brokenness and repentance?
Does it have a lasting impact on you beyond the moment?
What would it look like for you to incorporate worship into the daily rhythms of your life?
I pray that you find quiet moments in the busyness of God to worship and align your heart to an upward focus, especially in this season of life where busyness seems to increase.
—Lindsay Thompson