Yesterday Was Election Day!

“Oh, send out Your light, and Your truth! Let them lead me” Ps. 43:3

Thought I would share a very recent opportunity I was faced with this past week, and it coincided with the message Pastor Nate preached on Sunday about throwing away your VETO stamp.

Interesting, huh?! Here’s the story. For the last several months God has been working on me about making some financial changes to my private counseling practice, Truth and Light Counseling. The way I knew He was working on me is because it became a more frequent topic of conversation for me, I was praying constantly about it, others talked to me about it. Then it is my responsibility to ask God what is my flesh and what is His Spirit in all of this. I certainly do not want to go about it my own way because that won’t end up well.

Anyhow, this past week, the idea of making the change of increasing my fee $15.00 per session was persistent. It was heavy on me, but I was very concerned. I make sure that all decisions for the practice always get filtered through the lens of the original vision God gave me over 20 years ago: provide affordable counseling for people. Everyone cannot pay hundreds of dollars each week for a 50 minute session. I’m one of them!

Fast forward. I was on my way to church last Sunday, driving down the road, and I begged God to really confirm for me that the increase was indeed Him calling me to it, or show me that it was my flesh. I needed to know. I wouldn’t move forward unless I got the confirmation. Immediately these scriptures came to me;

Isaiah 43:19 English Standard Version (ESV)

 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;

    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness

    and rivers in the desert.


2 Corinthians 5:17 (AMP )

 Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].

I still cried out and said, “God, are these scriptures confirmation?”

Fast forward. I walk into church, and Pastor Nate starts preaching the Word of God! He talks about what it is like to have everything in our own control, safe, secure, etc. God’s Spirit, or the Holy Spirit, started speaking to me. God showed me how that was exactly what I was doing with Truth and Light Counseling’s fee change. Though it may seem like an insignificant detail to some: what’s $15.00? But it is big. Following Jesus into every area of life is HUGE! Even in our businesses and careers. Truth and Light Counseling BELONGS TO GOD AND IS ON LOAN TO ME TO BE A GOOD STEWARD OF IT. I AM TO CARRY ON THE PRACTICE ACCORDING TO MY BOSS’S DESIRES, AND MY BOSS IS GOD! AMEN

Pastor Nate then went on to talk about the parable of not being able to put “new wine in old wine skins.” It just won’t work. God was definitely calling me to something NEW! There it was! So, you guessed it. I started all my calls to my clients the next day, informing them of the $15 dollar increase, and some actually gave further confirmation as well. It went from a cloudy thought process to a beautiful celebratory event for me.

The verse I named the practice after is found in Psalms 43:3:

“Oh, send out Your light, and Your truth! Let them lead me”

Blessings Friends!

Lois Robinson