Faith, Love and Perseverance: Essential Marks of God’s People

We can learn a great deal about others and their character through what we hear their friends or the public saying about them. I like getting my ear close to a letter the Apostle Paul wrote because, as I hear him speak about the church in Thessalonica, I get to learn about who they were as people. Furthermore, the way Paul speaks about them leaves me thinking that it would be worth imitating them. There are three key characteristics Paul highlights about these folks:

First, they have a faith that is growing abundantly.
Second, they have a love for each other that is increasing.
Third, they are persevering in the midst of persecutions and afflictions.

When I read what follows this description I am astonished. Paul makes a case that these evidences in a people point to the fact that there will be a judgement one day. And part of that judgement will include bringing deliverance to God's people from their persecutions and afflictions. God will do this. Sadly, during this judgement those who have not believed in God or disobeyed the Gospel of his Son Jesus will experience eternal destruction and will be alienated completely from the presence and glory of God and His Son.

But judgement is not be the only thing that will take place then. This will be a time when Jesus will be revealed and those who have believed in Him will participate in His glorification. They will marvel at Him! This will be considered the best show time the universe has ever had.

So, because there is so much at stake, Paul ends this chapter with a prayer. In his prayer, he asks for the Thessalonians for he desires for them to participate in the revelation of the Son of God. His prayer sounds like this:

God, make them worthy of your calling.
God, fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by your own power.
I ask these things so that they may be glorified in Jesus and Jesus in them by the grace you and the Son can provide!

Are you seeing your faith grow? How?
Is your love for others increasing? What is the fruit of that?
Are you enduring your persecutions and afflictions? What evidences this?

Take courage! God and His Son promise to make their grace available to you. You too can pray, and ask others to pray, that God will make you worthy of His calling; that He will fulfill every good resolve and every good work originated in faith by His power!