"Father, You are the one to be praised and thanked. We extol You and lift You up in Your virtuous and magnificent glory. You are God. You are the LORD. You are the great 'I AM.' You have harnessed the forces of nature through time and space to give us the blessed Gospel - Your beloved and precious Son, the incarnate God-Man, the Lamb, this crucified-for-sin Savior, the resurrected living LORD, the King of all earthly and heavenly thrones - an Almighty Redeemer God who will return like a lion to defeat His enemies and lay claim over His own. You have given us one Shepherd as the Head - who knows every sheep in His pasture - you Messiah. O LORD make us the sheep of your green pastures and protect us from ravenous wolves - and from the lone wolf of that dark pack who would seek to devour us. Help us to follow Your one voice Jesus, whether you tenderly call us or urge us with rodlike warning. Our gratefulness is so weak for your sustenance and protection, but, someday, we will FULLY declare your triumphant praise with your mighty angels. We are thankful that this earthly life and earthly tent is not home; but that our real home awaits your forever eternal presence. So come quickly LORD Jesus. But while we patiently wait and seek to walk in Your righteousness, Spirit of God please see that contentment and shielded faith will guard our hearts and our minds in You and Your beloved Gospel, Christ Jesus. Amen." (In addition, see Psalm 136 for more praises of thanksgiving "His Love Endures Forever").
--May Thanksgiving encompass you all, Thor