Your Love, The Love I Know.

(By Diego Cuartas)

It was last year, around this time, when I was reflecting on the birthday gifts God had given me through so many people. I was prompted then to write some thoughts, which eventually became a song composition. Don't ask me to sing it, just read the words. And perhaps it is your turn to reflect on how much you are loved by the one who formed you. The Bible (Psalm 139:14) gives us a glimpse of what went into your creation and mine. Sit back and allow the words on this timeless passage to run through you and help you recognize how much purpose (intention) God has placed in the creation of you...

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."


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Your Love, The Love I Know.

No contradiction, in your love

No confusion, you are all love.

I may feel like your hand is against me

I may see the clouds gather all around

yet I hear a voice peaking through the darkness saying that  I'm yours.

I see the pattern, that in pain

My heart is tender to receive.

Consuming fire

Consuming fire

Consuming fire

Your love is what I know.