2's & 3's Parent Minutes- July 2016

July 2016

What’s going on with... the 2’s and 3’s??

A newsletter for parents of 2 and 3 year olds



From the 2-3 year old classroom:            

Hey Parents! For the month of July, we’ll be teaching your kids these stories: ‘God is Good’ aka Abraham and Sarah (Gen. 21: 1-7), ‘God Always Wins’ aka God freeing His people from Pharaoh (Exodus 5-12), ‘God Knows Everything’ aka God Feeding Elijah (I Kings 17:1-6), and ‘Only One God’ aka God heals Naaman (II Kings 5:1-15).

And the verse we’ll be helping your child try to memorize is: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (See if they’re able to say it on their own!)

Thanks for partnering with us to help our class be a peaceful place. We know that sometimes that can mean extra work for you, but we really think it’s worthwhile.

We’re also on the lookout for parents to volunteer in the classroom. If you’re at all interested, please email Sharon Howard (showard@lfachurch.org) or talk to her anytime you see her!!!

Here are the teachers who will be with your 2-3 year old in June:

1st Service: Courtney Ader, Jenny Ritchie; 2nd Service: Tabatha Martinez, Jane Caldwell

Hey Parents!  Here’s an Idea to Try!

Sometimes it’s easy to tell our kids a new command in public and expect them to just obey it right away. But we’ve never really PRACTICED it with them...and they don’t really have a history of knowing what it feels like to follow lots of commands at home, either. It can then be FRUSTRATING for the child to be expected to obey IN PUBLIC, and mommy or daddy get really mad when they don’t obey.

One great idea for 2-3 year olds is to PRACTICE AT HOME!! Practice ‘come to Mommy/come to Daddy’ over and over and over again...WITH SNACK REWARDS when they obey! Or practice ‘all done playing, say ‘OK Mommy’’ lots of times at home with hugs and snuggles and cheers.

Check out these important dates &    

stick ’em on your calendar today:    

  • New 1st Grader Parent Gathering: July 31, 11am,  Rm 128

  • LFA Camp: August 1-5

  • 4 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 14, 11am, Rm 128

  • 2 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 21, 11am, Rm 128

  • Parent Summit: November 19     

And how about some blogs to read?????

These QR codes take you to 3 blogs:

  • Sound More Like An Ice Cream Truck and Less Like a Fart: Helping Kids Follow Directions


  • The IPad Is Stealing My Son’s Childhood A Mom’s concerns and proactive steps to consider the effect technology is having on her son’s development


  • Parents, You Can’t Build Heaven Here A good reminder of our tendency to forget eternity and ‘build heaven here’ for our kids http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/parents-you-can-t-build-heaven-here