
Where Is The Joy of Advent?

I am pleased to announce that John Piper is making his book "The Dawning of Indestructible Joy" available to all at no cost. The link provided below will re-direct you to the webpage where you can download your free copy. 

Consider Piper's thought which I believe is a good representation of how we are as humans:

"I am prone to be dull, spiritually drowsy, halfhearted, lukewarm. That is the way human beings are, including Christians, even about great things. Peter knows it and is writing to “awaken” or to “stir up” his readers so that they don’t just know but also feel the wonder of the truth." (page 7)

So why consider reading these daily devotionals? Because we all need to be awaken or stirred up deep inside to the reality of true joy in our lives. You could say that joy requires fighting for it-- not because we can generate it or obtain it on our own but because our souls lack the capacity to feel and entertain constantly the indestructible joy Jesus knows and wants for us! 

May our joy increase this Advent season,

Diego Cuartas