
Are Your Twenties Difficult?

I want to point you today to an insightful blog Paul Maxwell contributed to the desiringgod.org blog recently. His blog looks at some realities that can characterize the "twenties" of our life as a "dark" period or a season full of opportunities. Maxwell also reflects on what God has to offer to you during this season of life. Not just practically speaking, but how He offers Himself to you to fill your life with meaning and hope and fulfill His purposes through you. To read the blog click here.

May God bless you in your "twenties",

Diego Cuartas

What the Resurrection of Jesus Does (Part II)

(By Thor Knutstad)

We recently looked at the resurrection of Lazarus in part one.  In the plot of the Gospel story, the Scriptures in John 11 begin to unfold this great conflict between Jesus and the Sanhedrin.  Like the hammer and nails, these leaders become the very tools of our Lord’s death in His suffering and crucifixion.  In today’s blog, it is not my goal to sideswipe the power of Good Friday and King Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sin.  If you want to read more about that, I would suggest that you go to Isaiah 53, the Gospels of Matthew/Mark/Luke/John (latter chapter narratives), Philippians 2:1-11 (which is one of Pastor Nate’s favorite passages where the “Deity-humility” of King Jesus is explained and on which is preached and repeated often at LFA – and I love this because it’s one of my absolute favorites as well); or maybe you can read the various epistles of Paul where the death of Christ and those benefits are explained (the Pauline epistles, especially Romans 1-6, but it is also explicitly mentioned in Hebrews).  Again, it is not my heart to bypass the centrality of Jesus’ death as our substitute for sin.  He gave His life for us.  He died for sin.  He who had no sin became sin for us in our place.  There is no atonement for sin without the shedding of His precious blood.  He is the Lamb slain for the world.  Enough said.  You get the picture.  At least I hope you do.  His death on the cross for sin means everything.  But like my previous article, I want to focus on the resurrection.  His resurrection changes everything.  And I mean it – everything.

The second half of the Gospel of the book of John (chapter 11-end) starts with the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  It was a miracle of Christ’s Power, Deity and glory.  It propelled the Jewish leaders to hate King Jesus all the more.  But it set the table for His own resurrection.  To feel the full power of Good Friday and His sacrifice, I have encouraged you to open your Bible.  Gospel fluency becomes easier when we, like the Bereans in Acts 17, become eager to search the Scriptures to see if what someone says is true.  Right now, I want you to put down your smartphone/laptop/tablet and read the greatest passage on the resurrection of King Jesus:  1 Corinthians chapter 15.  You don’t have to read the whole book of 1 Corinthians (I know that some of you who read this will want to read it all and put that chapter in its proper context – that’s fine.  But this chapter stands alone and can be isolated as a treatise concerning the theology and the doctrine and the first importance of Christ’s resurrection as Gospel central significant).  So please stop and read 1 Corinthians right now two times – Not once, but twice.  If you think this would benefit a friend or your spouse or your children or grandchildren, read this aloud to them sometime between Friday and Sunday this coming Easter weekend.  It is the core of the Gospel and it is why we are all on mission to have Gospel conversations with our neighbors and friends and family and with anyone who would listen.  Yes, I am asking you to read the whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 15 - twice.  This is probably Paul’s greatest summary in all of his New Testament writings concerning the first importance facts of the Gospel.  I love how we celebrate the Birth “Incarnation”, ‘in flesh’) appearing of our LORD Jesus during Christmastime.  There is so much joy in knowing that our God King stepped off of the eternal throne and in humility became human flesh.  But maybe Good Friday and Easter are actually greater than His birth?  Maybe we should see this Gospel of His death and resurrection as the greatest gift ever?  Did you stop and read 1 Corinthians 15 at least two times yet?  You will have to forgive the teacher and pastoral counselor in me.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am not afraid to repeat myself.  I need the gift of repetition in learning.  We all do ☺ - that was two times.  Yes, you got it!

As I ponder what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 15, I find many effects of the resurrection of Christ Jesus.  Some of these are derived logically from Scriptural truths, and others can be directly cited with biblical chapter and verse.  But the facts remain – there are many effects and benefits of the resurrection.  All of eternity hinges on this great and forever resurrection.  In other words, the resurrection of King Jesus the Christ does, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Testifies to the Deity of Christ that Jesus is God; he is a third of the equal and triune God-head.  Period.
  2. Testifies to His power over death as the author of life (Creator) and that death has no power over Him. 
  3. Guarantees our future resurrection; we will rise.  Death will not hold us and has no hold on us. Forever. Guaranteed.  I love it!
  4. Pronounces Jesus as Prince and King at the highest level of worship; He is on the throne.
  5. Perpetuates hope over sin and death; this hope is an anchor to soul, firm and secure.
  6. Creates a witness for Gospel fluency; it makes Gospel conversations easier (not harder).  Why? What other belief system serves or believes in a risen Savior?  What God has died for and risen for His people?  None.  Period.  All other religions are straw arguments. Period.
  7. Heals all grief and sadness from death and unites us to others who have died (and are risen) before us.  This gives us a greater hope as death surrounds us often and puts this temporary life in eternal perspective.
  8. Centralizes the most important part of the entire Gospel of Good News – it is of first importance (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 and the whole chapter).  Paul never says this in all of his other writings.  It serves us well to pay careful attention to the resurrection of King Jesus (see Romans 10 as well).
  9. Guarantees that we will be liberated from the bondage of weakness, sickness, sin, decay, and even death.  This gives us freedom to move and live through things that are very difficult – hurt, pain, broken relationships, and suffering that eventually lead us to this greater hope.  The burdens of life are a bit easier to bear.  But they are still hard, for sure!
  10. Brings the reality of faith and hope to the crux of loving well.  The resurrection as followed by Jesus’ death shows us how much He loves us as it secures our eternal dwelling with Him and in His presence forever.
  11. Puts Jesus in position to intercede on our behalf at the Father’s right hand throne.
  12. Fulfills all (and I mean all) Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament Scriptures and the writings of the true prophets who spoke toward a future Savior who would redeem His people (note the phrase “according to the Scriptures” in 1 Cor. 15).
  13. Closes the parallel gap between Adam (sin and death) to Christ (righteousness, life and resurrection).
  14. Jesus’ new body guarantees our new bodies as believing Christ-followers – new resurrected bodies raised imperishable, raised in glory, raised in power, and raised as a spiritual body that bears His finished likeness.  What a finished work He makes of us!
  15. Swallows death up in victory by our warrior Lion of Judah, King Jesus the Christ and Messiah.  You see, my King is a death killer.  He is God the gladiator and the true Braveheart.  He is that lion who charges to the front of the battle to face the enemy Satan without hesitation.  Have you ever noticed how the real drama of this battle and war cannot really fully be captured on the movie big screen?  There’s just too much going on in the unseen world.  Too much is happening. His resurrection ultimately swallows death in victory.  It is the deciding blow to Satan’s kingdom attempt.  And the sword of our King cuts deep into the enemy.  Victory is sealed.  We win the war.  And winning the war will be seen in real life as the consequences of the Gospel unfold.  Judgment is pending and the medals of valor as crowns will be the blessings of the saints.  Does the crown of life await you?
  16. Reveals Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life.  He is King over all aspects of life and a “death-destroying God.”  This sin and death conquering King wins because He is life.
  17. Causes us to not lose hope in our hearts during tremendous affliction.  The resurrection is a sustaining power to our hearts because though life tries to make us addicted to circumstances, our God calls us to focus on the unseen.  We rise above situations because Jesus did just that – in His death and His life, and in His life resurrected.  
  18. Makes His death make sense to us and completes the Gospel by making Jesus supreme and superior and better than all other religious systems, doctrines, teachings, and philosophies of life, etc. (see Hebrews for more on this).
  19. Causes our message to others not to be in vain.  Christianity would be pointless without the resurrection.  No resurrection means no Christian faith.  But our message is true!
  20. Invites conversation because no one besides Jesus has conquered death in eternal form and eternal fashion.  Death is an unstoppable force as a result of sin and the curse.  But the death of Christ and His resurrection stops the unstoppable force of death and reverses that very curse.  What a gracious, merciful and benevolent God we have!  He so loves us!

Christ’s resurrection rolls away the heavy stone of death and buries death forever.  As we celebrate Easter, pick one of the 20 things listed above that most impacts your heart, and read it before you pray over a weekend celebration meal with your family, friends, and neighbors.  Testify to this Gospel.  Do not be ashamed of this Gospel, dear brothers and dear sisters.  For it is the cornerstone foundation of our very faith.  Resurrected Jesus means resurrected you and much more!  Praise Him, our resurrected King Jesus! 


Why Taking Antidepressants Was the Strongest Thing I could Do

This week I want to point you to a blog Diana Lauren recently shared in her personal blog page. I believe her story can be a source of encouragement to many, who perhaps have found themselves facing similar struggles at some point in their life. Or perhaps you know someone who currently is. Two important aspects you will glean from her blog is that neither labeling someone based on their struggle is fruitful or helpful nor offering them platitudes while bypassing their bigger story or experience in life. To read Diana's blog click here.


Diego Cuartas



Weighed Down!

(By Tammy Vaughn) 

Lately I have been learning a lot about the process of losing weight.  I started this journey in February 2013.  My current diet is mostly based on Dr. Fuhrman’s “Eat To Live” plan.  It is a way of eating that has totally changed my life.  It has been eight months now, and I have lost 62 pounds.  What once seemed impossible is now happening little by little.  How did this radical change all start?  It started with me feeling hopeless and helpless.

My father passed away in November 2011 from a very rare and aggressive cancer called Sarcamatoid Carcinoma.  The medical personnel kept saying that they could not get the proper read on certain medical tests because of his large habitus.  “Large habitus?”  It dawned on me that they were referencing his overweight body.  The words “large habitus” would ring in my ears.  Was it not awful enough that he had rare and aggressive cancer and was dying?  Did they have to keep referring to his 350 pound body as a “large habitus?”  This made me angry for a couple reasons, but mostly because it made me wonder what future medical treatments would be difficult for me since I also had a “large habitus”.  Two weeks after my father’s diagnosis, my family had to make the difficult decision to take my father off of life support. Now let me say, I know that my father is with Jesus, so I rest and take comfort in that.

The next life event that made me focus on my weight was a knee surgery that I had in June 2012.  My knee just never quite healed, and in the process of treatment, my doctor told me I would eventually need double knee replacements.  I had just turned 40 years old.  One of the main contributing factors to the decline in my knees was due to my “large habitus.”  The key to putting off knee replacement surgery was to lose weight.

I was frustrated, embarrassed and in pain.  It was sobering to think I would need surgery due to beating my knees down daily with my weight.  Finally it was all catching up to me.  The pain was so bad in my knee that I just thought to myself on several occasions, “I am going to have to live my life in a wheelchair or scooter.”  I was getting comfortable, coming to a resolve that this was how it was going to be.  I want you to understand how hopeless I felt.  I was going to give up!  After all, I had been on every diet you could imagine, including an all liquid diet for weeks.  Nothing worked, and now I was looking at major surgery if I did not lose weight.  Now a scooter or mobilized wheelchair is fine IF this is what is genuinely needed.  For me however, I would end up in the power chair because I was overweight and did nothing about it.  I would be choosing to live in defeat.

In talking to a close friend about this, I told her that, “I want to know the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in this area of my life.”  To me this was a way to say, “Jesus, this area of my life is dead, hopeless, lifeless, stagnant, even sinful, but the resurrection power can bring what is dead back to life.”  Paul said, “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection” (Phil 3:10).

I have experienced that power in other areas of my life, so I know Jesus gives us access to this power.  In fact, this is the reason He victoriously came and conquered death—so that I do not have to live defeated.  Yet I was choosing just that.  I knew in my head that Jesus has the power to heal and change people; I just did not believe it could happen for me, in this area of my life.  Oh me of little faith!  Here I had access all along to the power to change.  I just felt extremely hopeless and overwhelmed.  One large uphill battle!

While on a family vacation in January 2012, my brother came to me and told me about an eating plan he and my sister-in-law were going to follow.  He said he saw me struggling and wanting to lose weight.  He then offered to journey with me, not just to lose weight but also to get healthy.  He presented Dr. Fuhrman’s “Eat To Live” book and plan to me.  It was radical.  He told me I would have to radically change how you eat.  He said “I know you can know the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in this area of your life.  You pray about it.”  I did not really need to pray about it; I had prayed the same prayer earlier that week- to know the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  Reluctant to start yet another “diet” only to fail, I told him I was in!

Well, fast forward eight months.  With the help of Jesus, good accountability, support from my family and friends and Dr. Fuhrman’s medical team in North Jersey, I have lost 62 pounds.  I have gone down five pant sizes and two shirt sizes.  Seems like a miracle to me some days; other days it’s not enough and I still have a long way to go.

I believe that Jesus will continue to help me lose weight.  It is not easy.  At times I want to give up.  But Jesus has helped give me the strength to resist temptation, to persist and be disciplined one meal at a time.  I have knowledge about food that I did not have before.  And knowledge is power.  I don’t see quitting as an option, although I want to some days.  I can really feel God doing something new in my body and in my mind.  I’m often encouraged by 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If any is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”

I value the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I also call out to my brother when I am struggling or feel I cannot eat one more salad.  God uses him to encourage me to get back on track.   I view my eating as an act of worship unto the Lord.  My body belongs to Him; it is His temple.  Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.  This is your spiritual act of worship.”  I cannot possibly do all God has called me to do while slowly destroying my body and eventually killing myself with food.  I was created for more than just drowning in my own fat!  Maybe this sounds extreme.  It is not extreme to me when I think about watching my father die in Cooper Hospital because he had tumors growing inside the fat of his abdomen that they could not see because of his “large habitus”.  It motivates me to keep going.

I am fully aware that it will not happen on my own strength alone.  I am so grateful for my wonderful loving Savior who loves me and cares about me and gave me a new sense of hope in this area of my life.  The praise is all due to Him!  I hope you feel encouraged to present the areas of your life where you feel hopeless and defeated to Jesus.  Pray and tell Him that you want to know the resurrection power of Jesus Christ in that area of your life.  That power is available to all of His Children.  I hope someone is shouting Amen somewhere! I know I am!