We want to do our part to provide every man, woman and child in South Jersey with repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we can serve you in any way, please don't hesitate to connect with us. We look forward to getting better acquainted!
We are deeply convinced that to be truly changed there is something you have to see. Better said, there is Someone you have to see, and that Someone is Jesus. By being part of this fellowship, you won't actually see Jesus with your eyes, but just like you say, "I see it!" when something really makes sense to you; in that same way, we want you to see Jesus in His Word. When that happens, you will be changed.
Our church exists to partner with Jesus in changing people so that together we become something glorious that we are not yet. Specifically, LFAC exists to win and equip followers of Jesus who love God passionately, make disciples continually, and plant churches regularly as lives, families and communities are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
The Heart
The amazing thing about seeing Jesus is when you see Him, you are never bored. Rather, the more clearly you see Jesus, the more you are left awe-struck, stunned and captivated. Seeing Jesus changes you by impacting the deepest part of who you are, your heart. Seeing Him, your values will change, your definitions of what life is all about will be impacted.
As you become part of Living Faith Alliance Church, you will hear a lot that has power to change your heart.
Our Purpose
We are followers of Jesus who love God passionately, make disciples continually, and plant churches regularly, as lives, families and communities are being transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
We are passionate about doing our part to provide every man, woman and child in South Jersey with repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Can you imagine a church that actually fulfilled that purpose?
Wouldn’t you want to be around people filled with God’s love – people who because of Jesus Christ are secure in God’s love, who love Him with all of their hearts, and who direct that love to people in the church and community – people driven not by fear, but love?
Who wouldn’t want to be with people filled with God’s life, people whose character reflects the character of God, whose priorities reflect His heart, and whose actions reflect His power?
That is our dream, our intention, our determination. That is our purpose. Such a church will fulfill its God-given destiny. That church will glorify God.
To make that purpose also our reality, there are four areas we value and choose to live out consistently, faithfully and wholeheartedly.
the Presence of God
Where Jesus reigns, there are clear demonstrations of His power. Broken marriages are restored, habitual sin is broken, people are healed spiritually, emotionally and physically. Our experience of Jesus's power is inseparably linked to prayer. When Jesus chooses to act through His people, He acts through prayer.
Revelation OF God
Jesus said in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). Paul challenged the church in Rome to be transformed by renewing their minds (Rom. 12:2). More than intellectual input, what we need is a changed world-view. We don’t need to just go to a Bible class; our heart must be realigned and redirected by a new life road map.
We value training people in receiving the revelation that comes by being equipped with God’s written Word, the Bible. (See Truth For Living for more information.)
Forming Healthy Households
Without overlooking the significance of every stages of life, we are convinced the Gospel of Jesus must impact our marriages and families. As a church, we train husbands and wives to grow in love and intimacy. We help parents take their place in training their children to know and follow Jesus.
Authentic Relationships
Relationships are one of Jesus's means of filling His people with real life. In fact, change happens best, most profoundly and most lastingly in the context of relationships. As you become part of Living Faith Alliance Church, you will be encouraged to connect with others in life-changing relationships. Church isn't just something you do or a place you go. According to the Bible, Church is all about authentic, meaningful, truth-filled relationships. In fact, if you haven't experienced loving, real, honest relationships in connection with others, you haven't really experienced Church.
Living on mission
Over the years we’ve learned that Church doesn’t just happen inside our four walls. Every Summer we reach out to children in Center City Vineland and Millville. Once a year we cancel our Sunday Worship and send our people out to serve all over our city. Hundreds of people from LFAC did clean up work in Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. We’ve sent teams of people to serve around the US and the world. Through it all, if we have learned one thing, we’ve learned that as a church we find our “sweet spot” when we prioritize "mission." We flourish when we live Jesus’ design for our life. On mission:
Our families are awakened to greater purpose
Our hearts become infused with Jesus’ heart
We grow best as followers of Jesus
We find out God’s purpose for our life
We develop community and authentic relationships