There are many different ways for us to stay connected but we are looking forward to the day when our entire church family will meet together once again!

There are many different ways for us to stay connected but we are looking forward to the day when our entire church family will meet together once again!

Corona Virus UPdate

As we continue to progress through the opportunities and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pastors and staff care monitoring Federal and State guidelines to tailor our response to them. We miss seeing your smiling face and hearing your story in person. Please make use of the new opportunities to share, serve, or request help - look for the links on our home page.

Our Current plan AS of

March 28, 2020.

Office is Closed but Pastors Team and Ministry Staff are still working. 

Our office staff and pastoral teams are currently working remotely but our building is now closed. The office will remain the hub of communication. If you need to request the use of space in our building (for groups less than ten), please contact the office at 856-696-3444 or

Sunday Service: LIVE and Online at 9am

We continue to offer our weekly Sunday service and you may take part via any of these venues. Just click on the name of the service you would like to use to find directions on how to connect.

Some additional important changes you will want to know about: 

Staying On Mission

In times like these, our call to reveal Jesus takes us out of our comfort zone and at the same time builds up our faith community. 

While we are working on increasing ways to connect with one another we encourage you to reach out for one another. Ask good questions, see if you can help one another. If you need contact information call the office or email us at

Church Finances

Thanks to our LFA family for your faithful obedience to God and the generous concern you have shown. We have options for your online giving at Give to LFA. If you prefer, you may mail your giving to:  Living Fatih Alliance, 1987 South Lincoln Avenue, Vineland, NJ. 08361.