Nursery Parent Minute- July 2016

July 2016

What’s going on...

in the nursery??

A newsletter for parents of 0 to 2 year olds




From the nursery:            

Hey Parents! We are SO glad that you bring your babies to the nursery! They are so sweet. We enjoy getting to see the unique personality of each one.

Please fill us in on any little details that are going on in your child’s world. We really want to know! We like having in-roads to connect with them.

We also have a prayer theme that we pray over your kids in our own hearts as we care for them...a lot of times it’s something that we pray over their whole lives, not just this baby stage. July’s theme is: Pray that they will choose godly influences, that they will desire the right kind of friends and be protected from the wrong friends, that they will be hedged in so that they cannot find their way to wrong people or wrong places and so that the wrong people cannot find their way to them, and that each would be kept from a wrong mate.’

Here are the teachers who will be with your baby in July:

1st Service: Joanne Lucas, Kasie Harris, Jennifer Hoffman; 2nd Service: Hilda Fernandez, Laurie Havens, Gina Endres (and we also have lots of faithful helpers!!)


Hey Parents!  Here’s an Idea to Try!

Having a baby can be super stressful on your marriage. It becomes so easy to vent some of the natural frustration of caring for a small person 24/7 on your spouse. The exhaustion, coupled with the stress of not knowing what to do, can easily make situations become volatile. Here’s an idea to try with your partner:

Decide that you and your spouse are going to be okay with not having the immediate solution. Your child is going to have a thousand needs, and it may feel stressful to not know how to care for each one immediately. Relax, take a deep breath and remind yourself that it’s OK to not know how to handle all of them right away. Give yourself room and time to grow as a parent.  Use the ‘Give It 2 Weeks’ principle. Let’s say, for example, that your baby is not going down well for one of his daytime naps. Instead of feeling immediately stressed, tell yourself, “Give It 2 Weeks.” Take time to try different solutions. Take time to talk to friends and/or doctors about how they would handle the situation. Let yourself have time to learn what to do. The ‘Give It 2 Weeks’ principle can help reduce the amount of stress you experience when you don’t know how to help your child through any particular situation.”   

Check out these important dates &    

stick ’em on your calendar today:    

  • New 1st Grader Parent Gathering: July 31, 11am, Rm 128

  • LFA Camp: August 1-5

  • 4 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 14, 11am, Rm 128

  • 2 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 21, 11am, Rm 128

  • Parent Summit: November 19         

And how about some blogs to read?????

These QR codes take you to 3 blogs:

  • Sound More Like An Ice Cream Truck and Less Like a Fart: Helping Kids Follow Directions

  • The IPad Is Stealing My Son’s Childhood   A Mom’s concerns and proactive steps to consider the effect technology is having on her son’s development

  • Parents, You Can’t Build Heaven Here   A good reminder of our tendency to forget eternity and ‘build heaven here’ for our kids


Nursery Parent Minute- June 2016

June 2016

What’s going on...

in the nursery??

A newsletter for parents of 0 to 2 year olds




From the nursery:               

Hey Parents! We are SO glad that you bring your babies to the nursery! They are so sweet. We enjoy getting to see the unique personality of each one.

We do a ‘Blanket Time’ while they’re with us in the nursery, and the big themes we teach them are ‘God Made Everything’ and ‘Our God Is SO BIG!’ We talk about things God made...and how God even made THEM.

Please fill us in on any little details that are going on in your child’s world. We really want to know! We like having in-roads to connect with them.

We also have a prayer theme that we pray over your kids in our own hearts as we care for them...A lot of times it’s something we pray over their whole lives, not just this baby stage. June’s theme is: ‘Pray that they will accept God’s lordship over them and that they will respect those He has placed in authority over them.”

Here are the teachers that will be with your baby in June:

1st Service: Joanne Lucas, Kasie Harris, Jennifer Hoffman; 2nd Service: Hilda Fernandez, Laurie Havens, Gina Endres (and we also have lots of faithful helpers!!)

We are searching for MORE helpers. Some of our workers went with the Glasstown Church Plant, and we’re looking for new people to partner with us in loving babies. Please talk to us or Sharon Howard ( if you’re at all interested!

Hey Parents!  Here’s an Idea to Try!

Having a baby can be super stressful on your marriage. It becomes so easy to vent some of the natural frustration of caring for a small person 24/7 on your spouse. The exhaustion, coupled with stress and not knowing what to do, can make situation easily become volatile. Here’s an idea to try with your partner:

Decide together that you are teammates and not enemies. Avoid blaming each other when your baby is upset by deciding that your baby’s stressful cries are no one’s fault. Decide that you will be supportive of each other no matter WHAT happens in the middle of the night. Choose words that are encouraging, even when the baby’s response to your spouse’s intervention is not peaceful. Stay positive and optimistic when discussing how to respond to your baby’s cries. No matter how loud the baby is, no matter how many different calming techniques you try, no matter how many mistakes a spouse makes, decide together that the baby’s cry is no one’s fault. Crying is normal. And you’re BOTH learning. No one is the professional baby whisperer, while the other is the idiot. Stress and exhaustion are unavoidable. So decide together that you’ll make this journey as fun as possible. Remind each other that you are in this together.

Check out these important dates &         

stick ’em on your calendar today:           

      New First Grader Parent Gathering: July 31

      LFA Camp: August 1-5

      4 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 14

      2 Year Old Parent Gathering: August 28

      Parent Summit: November 19            

And how about some blogs to read?????


       Four Ways for Fathers to Engage at Home A blog giving some practical suggestions on connecting.

       Tired at the End of the Work Day Some thoughts on HOW dads can have the energy to engage their families when all they want to do is take a nap after work.

       Mom Enough: The Fearless Mother's Heart and Hope A free Ebook put out by some of's contributors.