Knowing God: Why Church? Ephesians 4:11-16

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Faith Talks:

  1. Talk about ways Jesus' Church has been His Body -- acting on His behalf in this World. Think about in your own life, in the life of LFA, even in other countries.
  2. Talk about your place in Jesus' Body. What gifts has He given you? In what ways have you served? Are there ways you would want to serve?

Knowing God: I like Jesus but I don't like the church

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Faith Talks:

  1. What ways can you relate to the statement “I like Jesus but I don't like church”
  2. What did you learn today about the dangers of independence?
  3. What did you learn today about the blessing of interdependence?
  4. What will you do about the areas in your life where you lean towards the idolatry of independence?

Shout It Out - Shepherding the Heart of the Next Generation

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Faith Talks

  • Talk together about 1-2 positive aspects of the culture of your household. What positive things would you say characterize your time together? 
  • Talk together about 1 of the 5 areas of culture you would want to pay attention to as a household. What steps might you take? How might Greg’s sermon on the “4 G’s” help you?

Shout It Out - Essential Messages for the Next Generation

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Faith Talks

In what ways has God communicated in the Bible that he is good, great, glorious and gracious?

In what ways has God demonstrated in your life that he is good, great, glorious and gracious?

In what ways do you communicate “without words” that God is good, great, glorious and gracious?

Can you identify ways that you communicate “without words” that God is not  good, great, glorious and gracious?

When it feels like Jesus isn't showing up...


Faith Talks

According to the teaching this morning in what way DID the arrival of Jesus bring peace on earth?

According to the teaching this morning in what way WILL Jesus bring even more peace?

What can you do to grow in your awareness and experience of the peace that Jesus offers?

Begging for Jesus' Arrival


Faith Talks

Talk together about the times and situations where you are most tempted to become self-focused and selfish. If necessary, ask each other for forgiveness and pray for each other.

Talk together about people in your life who might be in need of a selfless act of kindness from you — make plans for what you can do for them over this week leading to Christmas.

What kind of people qualify for Jesus' Arrival?


Faith Talks

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block one a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart.

What is it like when Jesus Arrives?


Faith Steps

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block one a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart. 

When Jesus Arrives


Faith Steps

What are some things you were hoping God would do for you?  Commit to making these things  a daily prayer list.  Try matching these desires with specific Scriptures.  

Pick one day a week to fast  during Advent - feel what hunger feels like.  Do you long for God like you long for food ?  

Carve out a 15 minute block once a week to be in silence with God.   Ask Him to speak to you, and just listen for Him in your heart. 

Redemption, Not Reversal - Stanley John

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Faith Talks

What are two brand new things you learned from Stanley Jon? 

On a scale of 1-4 how normal has living on mission become in your household.
1-it’s a challenge and doesn’t happen
2-it happens but it is rare
3-it’s not as consistent as I would like but it’s happening
4-it’s just part of who we are and what we do

Take some time as a household and review the On Mission page to consider how you can be part of what God is doing around the world. 

Knowing God - Experiencing God’s Presence

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Faith Talks

Talk together about your view of the Christian faith: is it mostly head or heart? Is it mostly study and learning and doing or how much is there a place for feeling, the supernatural and a sense of intimate relationship? Talk about when you have experienced both.

Talk about the questions you have related to God’s presence. Consider emailing your questions to the pastors.

Knowing God - Can I really Experience God?


  1. When you hear of the phrase “experiencing the presence of God” what comes to your mind?
  2. What is your personal history with experiencing the presence of God?
  3. What are the questions that come up for you when you think about experiencing the presence of God?
  4. Next week we will learn about the timeless doctrine of the Presence of God but according to the teaching today why is it important to be aware and to even seek the presence of God?


Knowing God - The Reconcilers Ambassadors



    1.    Get into groups according to where God has placed you as an ambassador.  (Work, Life stage, Neighborhood, family, friends)
    2.    Share specific ways that you currently live as an ambassador where God has placed you.  
    3.    Come up with a few practical things that you can do to live as an ambassador where God has placed you. (Don't over think it.) 

Knowing God - How do you use your Bible to answer today's questions?

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Faith Talks: 

  1. Find a passage of the Bible.  Grab a paper and pen.  Read slowly and write down everything that it says about God (Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit).  
  2. What issues of your heart do you most want Scripture to speak to? 
  3. Are there any ways in which you have used Scripture poorly in the past that you need to repent of?  Is there anyone you’ve wounded with Scripture that you ask to forgive you? 
  4. On your own research one of today’s issues in the Bible.  Ask two other people to do the same.  Set a time over the next week to discuss your findings.  How can your findings help others come to know Jesus?

Knowing God - Scipture

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Faith Talks

  1. What point about the doctrine of scripture did you find most attractive or significant?
  2. What part of the doctrine of scripture is challenging to you and why?
  3. Tell about a time when you didn’t want to submit to the authority of scripture but you did. What was the outcome?
  4. What are some ways you can grow in making time with God in scripture a bigger part of your life?

Knowing God: Current Questions, TimEless Doctrines

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Faith Talks

1. Tell about a time in your life that a timeless doctrine (a truth about God) answered a current question that you had. 

2. What are some of the puzzles that you face or current questions that you have about God or what he is doing?

3. How might God be using those puzzles or questions to help you know Him?

4. Ask some people to pray for you over some of the pressing questions that you are currently facing?

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Faith Talks

  1. Talk together about the clear signs in your life that you live (or don’t live) under the authority of Jesus, the Great King.
  2. Talk together about steps you can take to grow in your fascination for King Jesus.

Wisdom - Growing Wise in God’s Word - Psalm 119

Faith Talks:

This week, find time to look to God’s Word alone, then talk together as a household about what you learned. Here’s a simple guideline.

  1. Start by journaling what is happening in your day — events, challenges, emotions, etc.
  2. Read a passage from the Bible — maybe 10-20 verses (perhaps, Isaiah 40:21-31)
  3. Re-read the passage, looking for truth about God. Make a note of what you find.
  4. Choose one of the truths about God and explore it, meditate on it, pray about it. 
  5. Ask God to help you trust Him and follow Him today.

Lament - Psalm 119

Faith Talks:

  • How has God used affliction in your life to shape your character and address issues of the heart?  Be specific.  Look for an opportunity to share that story this week.  (Practice with a friend first). 

  • Make a list past resolutions you have made in following God?  Pick two of them to that you want to renew this week.  Share why you want to renew these with a trusted friend. 

Lament - Psalm 69

Faith Talks

1. Can you identify one point of pain, something current or past that is a point of pain or grief?

2. It is time to write a Psalm of Lament by following the following steps.
    ⁃    Target your cry: Who are you crying out to
    ⁃    File your complaint: Tell God what is your complaint.
    ⁃    Verbalize your request: Tell God wha you desire
    ⁃    Preach to your soul: Remind yourself of a truth that you need to remember
    ⁃    Renew your resolutions: Tell God how you plan on moving forward

3. Share you Lament with a trusted friend.

Lament - Psalm 73

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Faith Talks

  1. Meet with a friend and tell a story of a specific situation in your life of pain, grief, or loss (past or current). 

  2. As you listen to each other, pay attention to spoken or unspoken “conclusions” about God, yourself, or others. Conclusions are belief statements about how life is (e.g. “People are cruel;” “God doesn’t care;” “It will never work out;” “There’s no use trying,” etc.)

Lament - Psalm 31

Faith Talks

  1. Who might be a friend with whom you could interact, to both hear their story and share your story of pain.

  2. Make a list of some of your life circumstances that may need to be talked through.  

I Dare You to Praise - Psalm 30 

Faith Talks

1. If you were to record and playback your household's conversations, who would be the recipient of the most praise?

2. According to the teaching today, why is praise so important?

3. What were David’s obstacles to praise in Psalm 30?

4. What truth can you hold onto to overcome the lie that it is better to lower your expectations than to be disappointed again?

Worship is.....? - Psalm 99

Faith Talks: 

1. How real is Jesus to you?  Has he taken up residence in your heart? Is He the sole object of worship?  If not, what are the false god’s that need overthrown?  Name them and share them with a trusted friend.

2. Are we ‘verbing’ worshippers?  Are there views or practices of worship that we need to repent of?  Are there points of legalism we need confess and repent of?  If so, name them and share them with a trusted friend.

Raiders of the Lost Praise - Psalm 145

Faith Talks: 

1. Read Romans 15:9 & Psalm 42:5, 11.  What is the role of praise for the believer & the non-believer?  

2. Make a praise list and share it with someone this week.  Write down anything about God that fits any/all of these categories: 

  • His character
  • His attributes
  • His habitual and/or universal actions (e.g. nature, creation, history, personal action in your life, providence, preservation of life, rescue, salvation, redemption, judgment, personal or communal blessings.)

Life on Life Discipleship

Discipleship In the Household

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Faith Talks

1-In what ways have you experienced, life on life discipleship that deals with the messy parts of your life?

2-What did you learn through the teaching today about the role of the household in the formation of disciples?

3-What are some steps you can take to make discipleship a central theme of your household?


Life on Life Discipleship

Life On Life

Faith Talks

Review together the characteristics of the crowds that followed Jesus. Talk about the ways your following Jesus has at times looked too much like the crowd.

Talk together about how your life has been changed (or could be changed)  by life-on-life discipleship — how being known in your failure has led you (could lead you) to heart change. What helps/hinders that from happening more?

Reveal Jesus Through Discipleship

Reveal Jesus Through Discipleship 

Faith Talks:

What have you learned about the way Jesus leads his disciples that makes you want to follow Him?

What did you learn about the pattern of the disciples that you can identify with? In other words how are you like or not like the original 12 disciples?

What does discipleship look like in your life?

How do you respond to the call to disciple and be discipled. What is Jesus wanting you to do now? What are the next steps you can take this week to start moving in obedience?

Resurrection Realities

Resurrection Realities - Mark 15:42-16:13


Faith Talks

Review the 8 Resurrection Realities. Which ones do you need reminded about most? How you can remind each other of those truths.

Talk about the areas of alarm and unbelief that come as a result of forgetting Resurrection. Pray for each other in those areas that you will experience resurrection power. 

When following Jesus includes failing Jesus

When following Jesus includes failing Jesus

Mark 14:43-72

Faith Talks

The contrast between Jesus and everyone else in today’s teaching makes the point that all of us fail and deny Jesus. How aware are you that you fail and deny Jesus? 

Jesus’ example of finding strength by being watchful included leaning into community. Spend time together as a community of faith, talking about and praying together about some of your patterns of failing to follow Jesus. 

Discipleship Fail

Discipleship Fail
Mark 14:22-42

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Faith Talks

1. How do the central elements of the Bread and the Cup in communion explain how Jesus restores our relationship with God the Father?
2. In this story, the disciples fail Jesus. Their spirits may have been willing but their flesh was weak. Did you know that disciples fail? The question is not will you fail as a disciple but rather how do you respond when you have failed God and others? Do you ignore it,rationalize it, deny it, or work to fix it?
3. Based on this story what do you think Jesus would say to you when you fail?
4. In the garden, what does Jesus do when he is confronted with his spirit being willing but his flesh being weak?
5. What is one way that you desire to be more like Jesus and less like the sleepy disciples?

Stay Awake, Because it’s too easy to fall asleep. Mark 14:1-21

Stay Awake
Because it’s too easy to fall asleep

Mark 14:1-21

Faith Talks

What are the situations/circumstances where you tend to fall asleep spiritually or go “off duty”?  (consider times when life is going well as well as when life is not going well.)

What are practices that you do or have heard of that might be helpful to you being more alert/watchful?  Are any of these practices ones you might want to embrace for your household?  Talk about putting  them into practice

Awaiting the King

Awaiting the King

Faith Talks:

Having a Jesus-centered view of the end times is essential to every disciples.  Why do you think it’s so easy to miss the central focus of Jesus when it comes to end times?   Has you ever gotten caught up in all the speculation of the end times?  How did you come to back to staying focused on Jesus? 

What do you feel God has entrusted you to do while you wait for His arrival?  How do you come to realize what He gave you to do? Share that with 2 others this week. 

Follow Jesus In Stewardship

Follow Jesus In Stewardship

Faith Talks

Jesus talks about loving God with all your heart soul mind and strength. He goes on to use the example of the window giving everything she has in the offering. If Jesus where watching the way you spend your money what would that tell him what you really love?

Often times it's hard to know how to start tithing. Talk as a household about your tithing patterns. What holds you back, or what motivates you to give? Share stories about Gods provision as you've been faithful in giving.

Worship Jesus as True Savior

 Worship Jesus as True Savior 

Faith Talks:

For Jesus, love is most important. Talk together about the evidence in your life, over the time you have been walking with Jesus, that you have grown in whole-hearted love towards God and others. 

Jesus warns us to watch out for the natural tendency to be like the Scribes who live to impress others, who love to be praised by others. Talk together about the ways Jesus is setting you free of being like a Scribe.