
Maybe you're new to Living Faith or maybe you've been here a long time and you're asking what is a Pastorate. Pastorates are small groups on mission. Even though Pastorates all look different, there are three main rhythms that exist in all Pastorates.  

Pastorates exist for 3 reasons:

Growing in relationship with God the Father.

Growing in Jesus-centered community.

Going out on Spirit-led mission

Use this filter below to help you find a pastorate that is right for you.

To inquire more about a specific pastorate fill out the form at the bottom of the page


What is a Pastorate? 

Pastorates are groups of 12-30 people who come together for mission and discipleship. All of our pastorates have a specific group of people they are trying to reach with the Gospel. That group is considered their mission. While each pastorate has a unique mission, all pastorates are about discipleship. Plug into a pastorate to grow deeper with Jesus and join in His mission.

How to Join

You are invited to date a pastorate before settling down! You may want to be part of a certain type of service project (we call that a pastorate's mission) or you might be looking for a place that has lots of kids. You may simply want one that is close to where you live. Whatever the reason, check out a few before making your decision. The worst that will happen is you will get a couple of free meals and get to meet lots of interesting people. Contact any of the leaders using the list below, or just get in touch with the church office in the form below. 

When thinking about joining a pastorate, ask questions like: 

  • What's your missional focus?

  • What are your gathering times?

  • What does a regular gathering look like?

  • What demographic of people normally attend your group?

  • What do you do for fun as a group?

  • What's your God time look like?


Fill out the form below and let us know what next step you'd like to take.