90 Days of Myths and Lies, Pt.1

(By Thor Knutstad)

Days 1-31 (part one of three)

1. The self love and self esteem movement is completely biblical. (No, it's not, not at all. It is not commanded nor inferred as choice or volition. Identity is the biblical trade off here. Real. Identity. In Christ.).

2.  Showing off our good works and what we give or do for others is okay. (No, it's not. In fact, we are told not to do this with the motive of display and that announcing it loses reward - yeah, gotcha! Hard, I know! Watch your FB feed for this one - a grievous sin missed by many and all!).

3.  We can't have deep joy and heart wrenching sadness simultaneously. (Yes, we can. See Proverbs 14:10, then think practically).

4.  Men and women are essentially the same in function. (No, in essence of nature they are similar, but not in function. The distinctions are vast by God's very complimentary and useful design in creation - praise Him).

5.  Authority should be replaced by opinions (Um, no).  Age is hated and grey hair isn't esteemed (No, wait?!).

6.  The rewards of saying 'yes' are countless and saying 'no' is never painful. (Um, are any of you raising kids? Yeah, I thought so; let your ‘yes’ BE ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ BE ‘no’).

7.  People should understand what I explain to them. (Don't be fooled by this; there will be misunderstanding and misunderstood and incomprehensible and 'not caught' moments - often!).

8.  Shame and guilt are good motivators of right behaviors. (Far be it from me to judge how God sometimes uses this but it is not the 'best' motivating factors for repentance).

9.  It is okay to fear people and situations because everybody worries and has some anxiety, and its normal and popular. (It's destroying our hearts, people - stop being so afraid of stuff!  In your fear, like King David, cry out to The LORD - and don't walk in fear! See 1 Peter 3:6 and know that you are Sarah's daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. Don't. Give. Way. To. Fear).

10.  Worship is about music and what I see/hear/taste/touch/experience. (Worship is about the position of your heart to bow before a worthy, praised and glorious God - yes sometimes in music and song, but it is the posture of my heart).

11. The prosperity gospel of health and wealth really isn't harmful to the real Gospel of Jesus. (See 1 Corinthians chapter 15 - um, yes, it is!  Do not be deceived, people. Be Bereans and check the Scriptures to see if what others are saying is true or not - Acts 17).

12.  I can abuse some freedoms that God gives me because they don't master me, and He will always forgive me. (Whoa! Don't be a stumbling block, and grace doesn't increase more when you sin like that!! And freedom isn't ever a license!).

13.  It's okay to live on television, cell phones, game systems, tablets, the Internet/web, laptops, computers etc. (‘Nuff said, no words here. All guilty on some level).

14.  Electronics and the Internet shrink the world and keep me connected in a community abroad. (No, they don’t; they feign intimacy and interfere in what is real and close and near you).

15.  I know what's going on in the world because I read it in a newspaper, saw it on a major news channel, or on FB. (No, you don’t, not really. How informed you perceive yourself may make you more blind).

16.  FB is relationships.  FB is not an addiction.  (FB is NOT relationships and FB is an "alarming" new time addiction for the current culture).

17.  The lament of sorrow is a display of weakness.  Tears are even weaker. (#realmenfeelandcryasdowomen. We are commanded by Jesus to grieve with others and go to houses of mourning not to parties - wow!).

18.  All pastors and preachers and spiritual leaders know the Bible and have the intended heart of God to shepherd people and speak truth. (Actually, there are fewer speaking the WHOLE counsel of God and really doing justice to the heart of the Gospel - praise God, the Word is spoken and proclaimed here).

19.  I don't feel things when I read the Bible like I do my favorites stories, novels and shows. (Have you really embraced the Savior?  Is your heart in a position of worship when you read or listen?  #softheartshaveeyestoseeandearstohear)

20.  It's okay to eat out 4-5x's a week, be given a plethora of food choice and be served. (Hmm - the Son of Man came to serve - what are we teaching our kids?! Ouch!!).

21.  The immorality of others doesn't affect me. (what a lie!).  Or my own immorality doesn't affect others (a even bigger lie yet!).

22.  My children aren't curiously using social media wrongly in text, pictures, videos; nor have they viewed or sent anything that is not appropriate. (Yes, they are and have and are tempted, often, daily).

23.  My anxieties and worries and fears aren't really 'sin.'  (Yes, usually they are - for the most part).

24.  Everybody is busier than me so it's okay for me to have small or no margins in my schedule (X!! Wrong! Margin and rest are necessary!).

25.  I don't have to cry out to the LORD to experience His presence, fuller dependence or His deeper purposes. (Hmmmm).

26.  Fear is a stronghold that is nearly impossible to beat. (No, no, no!  Greater is HE our King Jesus!).

27.  The Gospel shouldn't ever offend people. (Um, what Bible version are you actually reading? Are we ashamed of Jesus?!).

28.  My words aren't REALLY 'that' important.  What's all this talk about "stewarding words" with timely and apt and wise replies?  That's just too hard to do all the time! (Steward/manage your words folks; it's how you guard your own heart, too).

29.  My body image and appearance of physical health is tangibly more important than the spiritual and the heart. (Oh my gosh, we have traded the heart for the flesh. See Galatians 5-6 - why would we live this death and not want to live life?!).

30.  What's all this talk about ambiguity and complexities? Most situations are easily solved, and most problems we face can be terminated/eradicated with simple solutions. (Wow! Problems and struggles and lives are actually very complex, AND ambiguity is actually healthy as it guides us toward a raised shield of required faith!).

31. BONUS - I like all the noise and commotion around me.  It's normal and keeps my mind occupied from other worries and sadnesses and thoughts. (Why do we run from silence, solitude and simplicity?!)


Thor Knutstad